of perforce
Смотреть что такое "of perforce" в других словарях:
Perforce — is a commercial, proprietary revision control system developed by Perforce Software, Inc.ArchitecturePerforce is a client/server system.The server manages a central database and a master repository of file versions. Users work on files in local… … Wikipedia
Perforce — Entwickler Perforce Software Inc. Aktuelle Version 2010.2 (August 2011) Betriebssystem GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X Programmiersprache … Deutsch Wikipedia
Perforce Jam — is an open source build system developed by Christopher Seiwald of Perforce Software. It can be used as a replacement for make. Its primary feature is its ability to express build patterns in an imperative language which supports structured… … Wikipedia
Perforce — (сокр. P4) коммерческая система управления версиями. Доступна бесплатная лицензия для двадцати пользователей. Разработана компанией Perforce Software, основанной в 1995 году. Система имеет клиент серверную архитектуру. Сервер Perforce может … Википедия
Perforce Jam — ist ein quelloffenes Build System, geschrieben von Cristopher Seiwald bei Perforce Software. Es kann als Ersatz für make verwendet werden. Jam läuft auf Unix (inklusive vielen Derivaten), OpenVMS, Linux, Windows NT, und Mac OS. Mithilfe von MinGW … Deutsch Wikipedia
Perforce — est un outil de gestion de configuration propriétaire utilisé dans le processus de développement logiciel. Il est développé par la société éponyme. Il s interface avec n importe quel éditeur de code respectant le protocole SCCS. Il propose une… … Wikipédia en Français
Perforce — Per*force , adv. [F. par (L. per) + force.] By force; of necessary; at any rate. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Perforce — Per*force , v. t. To force; to compel. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
perforce — early 14c., par force, from O.Fr. par force (12c.), lit. by force (see FORCE (Cf. force)). With L. per substituted 17c. for French cognate par … Etymology dictionary
perforce — ► ADVERB formal ▪ necessarily; inevitably. ORIGIN from Old French par force by force … English terms dictionary
perforce — [pər fôrs′] adv. [ME par force < OFr: see PER1 & FORCE] by or through necessity; necessarily … English World dictionary