- odour of sanctity
1) сладковатый или бальзамический запах, исходящий от тел святых в момент их смерти
2) проявление святости, безгрешности;
очень хорошая репутация;
иногда тж. ирон.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Odour of Sanctity — The Odour of Sanctity or Odor of Sanctity, according to the Catholic Church, is commonly understood to mean a specific scent (often compared to flowers) that emanates from the bodies of saints, especially from the wounds of stigmata. It is… … Wikipedia
Odour of sanctity — The odour of sanctity or odor of sanctity, according to the Catholic Church, is commonly understood to mean a specific scent (often compared to flowers) that emanates from the bodies of saints, especially from the wounds of stigmata. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
the odour of sanctity — 1. A fragrance after death alleged to be evidence of saintship 2. Facetiously applied to the living who have denied themselves the sensual indulgence of washing 3. A sanctimonious manner • • • Main Entry: ↑odour … Useful english dictionary
The Roman Congregations — The Roman Congregations † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Roman Congregations Certain departments have been organized by the Holy See at various times to assist it in the transaction of those affairs which canonical discipline and the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Baptistines — • I. Hermits of St. John the Baptist. II. Missionaries of St. John the Baptist. III. Sisterhood of St. John the Baptist Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Baptistines Baptistines … Catholic encyclopedia
Dogmatic Fact — • Any fact connected with a dogma and on which the application of the dogma to a particular case depends Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dogmatic Fact Dogmatic Facts … Catholic encyclopedia
Germans in the United States — • Includes all German speaking people, whether originally from Germany proper, Austria, Switzerland, or Luxemburg Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Germans in the United States Germans in the United States … Catholic encyclopedia
Martin of Valencia, O.F.M. — Martin of Valencia, O.F.M. • Born at Villa de Valencia, Spain, about the middle of the fifteenth century; died in the odour of sanctity at Tlalmanalco, Mexico, 31 August, 1534. He entered the Franciscan Order at Mayorga in the Province of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholicity in Canada — Catholicity in Canada † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholicity in Canada The subject will be treated under three headings: I. Period of French domination, from the discovery of Canada to the Treaty of Paris, in 1763; II. Period… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Carmelite Order — The Carmelite Order † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Carmelite Order One of the mendicant orders. Origin The date of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been under discussion from the fourteenth century to … Catholic encyclopedia
St. Alphonsus Liguori — St. Alphonsus Liguori † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Alphonsus Liguori Born at Marianella, near Naples, 27 September, 1696; died at Nocera de Pagani, 1 August, 1787. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of… … Catholic encyclopedia