- odontology
- ˌɔdɔnˈtɔlədʒɪ сущ.;
мед. одонтология (медицина) одонтология;
зубоврачевание odontology мед. одонтология
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Odontology — O don*tol o*gy, n. [Odonto + logy: cf. F. odontologie.] The science which treats of the teeth, their structure and development. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
odontology — [ō΄dän täl′ə jē] n. [Fr odontologie: see ODONTO & LOGY] the science dealing with the structure, growth, and diseases of the teeth; dentistry odontological [ō΄däntō läj′i kəl] adj. odontologically adv. odontologist n … English World dictionary
odontology — SYN: dentistry. [odonto + G. logos, study] forensic o. SYN: forensic dentistry. * * * odon·tol·o·gy (.)ō .dän täl ə jē n, pl gies 1) a science dealing with the teeth, their structure and development, and their diseases 2) … Medical dictionary
odontology — odontological /oh don tl oj i keuhl/, adj. odontologist, n. /oh don tol euh jee, od on /, n. the science dealing with the study of the teeth and their surrounding tissues and with the prevention and cure of their diseases. [1810 20; ODONTO +… … Universalium
odontology — noun a) The study of the structure and development of teeth b) The branch of dentistry dealing with abnormalities of teeth … Wiktionary
odontology — see TOOTH … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
odontology — study of teeth Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
odontology — n. principles and structure of teeth; dentistryo·don·tol·o·gy || ‚əʊdÉ‘n tÉ‘lÉ™dʒɪ / dÉ’n tÉ’ … English contemporary dictionary
odontology — [ˌɒdɒn tɒlədʒi, ˌəʊdɒn ] noun the scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth. Derivatives odontological adjective odontologist noun … English new terms dictionary
odontology — odon·tol·o·gy … English syllables
odontology — n. the study of the teeth … The new mediacal dictionary