- odontoid
- əuˈdɔntɔɪd прил. зубовидный, похожий на зуб зубовидный - * process (анатомия) зубовидный отросток odontoid зубовидный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Odontoid — O*don toid, a. [Gr. ?; odoy s, odo ntos, a tooth + e i^dos form: cf. F. odonto[ i]de.] (Anat.) (a) Having the form of a tooth; toothlike. (b) Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process. [1913 Webster] {Odontoid bone} (Anat.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
odontoid — odontoíd adj. m., pl. odontoizi; f. sg. odontoídă, pl. odontoíde Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
odontoid — [ō dän′toid΄] adj. [Gr odontoeidēs: see ODONTO & OID] 1. toothlike 2. designating or of a toothlike or peg shaped process projecting from the second vertebra of the neck, on which the top vertebra moves and rotates … English World dictionary
Odontoid — Mesiodens zwischen den noch vorhandenen oberen Milchschneidezähnen. Ein Mesiodens (von griech. μέσος (mésos) „mittelseitig“, „zur Mitte des Zahnbogens hin„) und (lat. dens „Zahn)“ ist ein überzähliger (evtl. auch mehrere), meist atypisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
odontoid — [ə(ʊ) dɒntɔɪd] (also odontoid process) noun Anatomy a projection from the second cervical vertebra (axis) on which the first (atlas) can pivot. Origin C19: from Gk odontoeidēs, from odous, odont tooth + eidos form … English new terms dictionary
odontoid — adj. toothlike. Phrases and idioms: odontoid process a projection from the second cervical vertebra. Etymology: Gk odontoeides (as ODONTO + Gk eidos form) … Useful english dictionary
Odontoid bone — Odontoid O*don toid, a. [Gr. ?; odoy s, odo ntos, a tooth + e i^dos form: cf. F. odonto[ i]de.] (Anat.) (a) Having the form of a tooth; toothlike. (b) Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process. [1913 Webster] {Odontoid… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Odontoid peg — Odontoid O*don toid, a. [Gr. ?; odoy s, odo ntos, a tooth + e i^dos form: cf. F. odonto[ i]de.] (Anat.) (a) Having the form of a tooth; toothlike. (b) Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process. [1913 Webster] {Odontoid… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Odontoid process — Odontoid O*don toid, a. [Gr. ?; odoy s, odo ntos, a tooth + e i^dos form: cf. F. odonto[ i]de.] (Anat.) (a) Having the form of a tooth; toothlike. (b) Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process. [1913 Webster] {Odontoid… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
odontoid process — n DENS * * * a toothlike process from the upper surface of the axis vertebra. See cervical vertebrae … Medical dictionary
odontoid ligament — noun : any of three ligaments that pass from the odontoid process to the margins of the foramen magnum … Useful english dictionary