odd-dimensional manifold

odd-dimensional manifold
мат. нечетномерное многообразие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "odd-dimensional manifold" в других словарях:

  • Almost complex manifold — In mathematics, an almost complex manifold is a smooth manifold equipped with smooth linear complex structure on each tangent space. The existence of this structure is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for a manifold to be a complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological manifold — In mathematics, a topological manifold is a Hausdorff topological space which looks locally like Euclidean space in a sense defined below. Topological manifolds form an important class of topological spaces with applications throughout… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypercomplex manifold — In differential geometry, a hypercomplex manifold is a manifold with the tangent bundleequipped with an action by the algebra of quaternionsin such a way that the quaternions I, J, Kdefine integrable almost complex structures. Examples Every… …   Wikipedia

  • Hopf manifold — In complex geometry, Hopf manifold is obtainedas a quotient of the complex vector space(with zero deleted) ({Bbb C}^nackslash 0)by a free action of the group Gamma cong {Bbb Z} of integers, with the generator gamma of Gamma acting by holomorphic …   Wikipedia

  • Symplectic manifold — In mathematics, a symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold, M, equipped with a closed nondegenerate differential 2 form, ω, called the symplectic form. The study of symplectic manifolds is called symplectic geometry or symplectic topology.… …   Wikipedia

  • Sasakian manifold — In differential geometry, a Sasakian manifold is a contact manifold (M, heta) equipped with a special kind of Riemannian metric g, called a Sasakian metric.DefinitionA Sasakian metric is defined using the construction of the Riemannian cone .… …   Wikipedia

  • N-dimensional space — In mathematics, an n dimensional space is a topological space whose dimension is n (where n is a fixed natural number). The archetypical example is n dimensional Euclidean space, which describes Euclidean geometry in n dimensions.Many familiar… …   Wikipedia

  • 4-manifold — In mathematics, 4 manifold is a 4 dimensional topological manifold. A smooth 4 manifold is a 4 manifold with a smooth structure. In dimension four, in marked contrast with lower dimensions, topological and smooth manifolds are quite different.… …   Wikipedia

  • Stiefel manifold — In mathematics, the Stiefel manifold V k (R n ) is the set of all orthonormal k frames in R n . That is, it is the set of ordered k tuples of orthonormal vectors in R n . Likewise one can define the complex Stiefel manifold V k (C n ) of… …   Wikipedia

  • Contact geometry — Contact form redirects here. For a web email form, see Form (web)#Form to email scripts. The standard contact structure on R3. Each point in R3 has a plane associated to it by the contact structure, in this case as the kernel of the one form dz − …   Wikipedia

  • Differential geometry — A triangle immersed in a saddle shape plane (a hyperbolic paraboloid), as well as two diverging ultraparallel lines. Differential geometry is a mathematical discipline that uses the techniques of differential and integral calculus, as well as… …   Wikipedia

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