odd number
Смотреть что такое "odd number" в других словарях:
odd number — phrase a number that cannot be exactly divided by 2, such as 1, 3, 5, 7 etc Thesaurus: numbers and types of numberhyponym Main entry: number … Useful english dictionary
odd number — number which leaves a remainder of one when divided by two … English contemporary dictionary
Odd-Number-Theorem — Dieser Artikel wurde den Mitarbeitern der Redaktion Physik zur Qualitätssicherung aufgetragen. Wenn Du Dich mit dem Thema auskennst, bist Du herzlich eingeladen, Dich an der Prüfung und möglichen Verbesserung des Artikels zu beteiligen. Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Odd number theorem — The odd number theorem is a theorem in strong gravitational lensing which comes directly from differential topology. It says that the number of multiple images produced by a bounded transparent lens must be odd. In fact, the gravitational lensing … Wikipedia
odd number — /ɒd nʌmbəz/ noun numbers which cannot be divided by two, e.g. 17 or 33 ● Buildings with odd numbers are on the south side of the street … Marketing dictionary in english
odd number — a number that cannot be exactly divided by 2, such as 1, 3, 5, 7 etc … English dictionary
Odd graph — The Petersen graph as an odd graph O3 Vertices Edges … Wikipedia
odd — W3S1 [ɔd US a:d] adj comparative odder superlative oddest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(strange)¦ 2 the odd occasion/day/moment/drink etc 3¦(various)¦ 4¦(not in a pair/set)¦ 5 odd number 6 20 odd/30 odd etc 7 the odd man/one out ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ … Dictionary of contemporary English
odd — [ ad ] adjective *** ▸ 1 unusual ▸ 2 not frequent/regular ▸ 3 of different types etc. ▸ 4 not even in number ▸ 5 lacking its pair ▸ 6 not exact in number ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) unusual or unexpected in a way that attracts your interest or attention:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Odd — ([o^]d), a. [Compar. {Odder} ([o^]d [ e]r); superl. {Oddest}.] [OE. odde, fr. Icel. oddi a tongue of land, a triangle, an odd number (from the third or odd angle, or point, of a triangle), orig., a point, tip; akin to Icel. oddr point, point of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
odd — [äd] adj. [ME odde < ON oddi, point of land, triangle, hence (from the third angle) odd number, akin to OE ord, a point < Gmc * uzda (> Ger ort, place, orig., point) < IE * uds (< base * ud , up > OUT) + * dho , var. of * dhē,… … English World dictionary