odd lot trading

odd lot trading
бирж. операции с небольшими партиями ценных бумаг

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "odd lot trading" в других словарях:

  • odd-lot theory — The theory that profits can be made by making trade contrary to odd lot trading patterns, since odd lot investors have poor timing. This theory is no longer popular. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • odd´-lot´ — odd lot, a quantity of goods or securities smaller than the normal or standard amount used in the trading: »On the New York Stock Exchange, the usual unit of trading is 100 shares, called a “round lot.” Smaller units are referred to as “odd lots” …   Useful english dictionary

  • odd lot — odd′ lot′ n. 1) a quantity or amount less than the conventional unit of trading 2) bus (in a stock transaction) a quantity of stock less than 100 shares • Etymology: 1895–1900 odd′ lot′, adj odd′ lot′ter, n …   From formal English to slang

  • odd lot — ☆ odd lot n. an amount smaller than the usual unit of trading; specif., a quantity of less than 100 shares of stock in a transaction odd lot adj …   English World dictionary

  • odd lot — odd lot, adj. 1. a quantity or amount less than the conventional unit of trading. 2. Stock Exchange. (in a transaction) a quantity of stock less than the established 100 share unit for active issues or the 10 share unit for designated inactive… …   Universalium

  • Odd Lot — An order amount for a security that is less than the normal unit of trading for that particular asset. Odd lots are considered to be anything less than the standard 100 shares for stocks. Trading commissions for odd lots are generally higher on a …   Investment dictionary

  • odd lot — A trading order for less than 100 shares of stock. Compare round lot. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A block of securities bid or offered which is smaller than the standard lot size for that particular security. Exchange Handbook Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Odd lot — A trading order for less than 100 shares of stock. Compare round lot. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • odd-lot — A trading order for less than 100 shares of stock. Compare round lot. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • odd lot — An amount of stock less than the established 100 share unit or 10 share unit of trading: from 1 to 99 shares for the great majority of issues, 1 to 9 for socalled inactive stocks Compare round lot …   Black's law dictionary

  • lot — n 1: a portion of land; specif: a measured parcel of contiguous land having fixed boundaries and recorded (as on a plat) with the appropriate authority or office (as a registry of deeds) 2: a single article, a number of units of an article, or a… …   Law dictionary

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