Смотреть что такое "octopush" в других словарях:
octopush — /okˈtə pŭsh/ (sport) noun A kind of underwater hockey, in which a lead puck, called a squid, is used in place of a ball and pushers in place of sticks ORIGIN: ↑octopus and ↑push • • • ocˈtopusher noun … Useful english dictionary
Octopush — Unterwasserhockey Unterwasserhockey ist eine Mannschaftssportart, bei der sechs mit Schnorchel, Maske und Flossen ausgerüstete Spieler pro Mannschaft versuchen, am Grund eines Schwimmbeckens einen Bleipuck mit Hilfe eines Schlägers ins… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Octopush — Hockey subaquatique Le hockey subaquatique hockey sous marin ou octopush est un sport d équipe qui se joue en apnée au fond d une piscine. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Underwater hockey — Two players competing for the puck at GB Student Nationals, Bangor Underwater hockey (UWH; also called Octopush and Water Hockey) is a global non contact sport in which two teams compete to maneuver a puck across the bottom of a swimming pool… … Wikipedia
Unterwasserhockey — Ausrüstung eines Unterwasserhockeyspielers … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hockey Subaquatique — Le hockey subaquatique hockey sous marin ou octopush est un sport d équipe qui se joue en apnée au fond d une piscine. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Full Metal Challenge — Infobox television show name = Full Metal Challenge runtime = 60mins (inc. comms) starring = Cathy Rogers Henry Rollins channel = Channel 4 num series = 1 num episodes = 13 location = Richborough Power Station num of teams = 27 original run =… … Wikipedia
Hockey subaquatique — Deux joueurs, portant des masques de différentes couleurs, s affrontant sous l eau pour le palet (généralement de couleur vive en guise de repérage) à Toulouse, en France. Le hockey subaquatique (hockey sous marin ou octopush) est un sport d… … Wikipédia en Français
Timeline of diving technology — This is a timeline of underwater technology. The entries marked ## are about decompression tables.[1] Contents 1 Pre industrial 2 19th century 2.1 Rebreathers appear … Wikipedia
University of Stirling — Infobox University name = University of Stirling native name = Oilthigh Sruighlea (Gaelic) motto = Innovation and Excellence established = 1967 type = Public endowment label=Revenue £83,360,000 (2006) [… … Wikipedia
Referee — Umpire redirects here. For other uses, see Umpire (disambiguation). This article is about refereeing in sports. For other uses, see Referee (disambiguation). A referee (right) issues a yellow card to a player during a game of association football … Wikipedia