Смотреть что такое "octopole" в других словарях:
octopôle — oktupolis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. octupole vok. Oktupol, m rus. октуполь, m pranc. octopôle, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
octopole moment — oktupolinis momentas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. octopole moment; octupole moment vok. oktupoles Moment, n rus. октупольный момент, m pranc. moment octopolaire, m; moment octupolaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
octopole — noun a) A multipole configuration with eight equal charges arranged in a circular pattern. b) Any configuration or analysis having eightfold symmetry. See Also: dipole, hexadecapole, hexapole, multipole … Wiktionary
octopole — oc·to·pole … English syllables
octopole — … Useful english dictionary
Collision/reaction cell — A collision/reaction cell is a device used in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to remove interfering ions through ion/neutral reactions.[1] Contents 1 Dynamic reaction cell 2 Collisional reaction interface (CRI) … Wikipedia
Cosmic microwave background radiation — CMB and Cosmic background radiation redirect here. For other uses see CMB (disambiguation) and Cosmic background (disambiguation). Physical cosmology … Wikipedia
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry — ICP MS Instrument Acronym ICP MS Classification Mass spectrometry Analytes atomic and polyatomic species in plasma, with exceptions; usually inte … Wikipedia
Cosmic microwave background experiments — [ Cosmic background (CMB) temperature on the celestial sphere as determined with the COBE satellite, (top) uncorrected, (middle) corrected for the dipole term due to our peculiar velocity, (bottom) corrected for contributions from the dipole term … Wikipedia
Champ Magnetique Terrestre — Champ magnétique terrestre Le champ magnétique terrestre est un immense champ magnétique qui entoure la Terre de manière non circulaire . Le champ magnétique terrestre peut être vu comme celui d un aimant droit … Wikipédia en Français
Champ Magnétique De La Terre — Champ magnétique terrestre Le champ magnétique terrestre est un immense champ magnétique qui entoure la Terre de manière non circulaire . Le champ magnétique terrestre peut être vu comme celui d un aimant droit … Wikipédia en Français