
1. прил. восьмидесятилетний;
свойственный для восьмидесятилетнего
2. сущ. восьмидесятилетний человек восьмидесятилетний старик;
восьмидесятилетняя старуха;
человек, которому уже за восемьдесят восьмидесятилетний типичный для восьмидесятилетнего octogenarian восьмидесятилетний ~ восьмидесятилетний старик, восьмидесятилетняя старуха

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "octogenarian" в других словарях:

  • Octogenarian — Oc to*ge*na ri*an, n. A person eighty years, or more, of age. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • octogenarian — (n.) 1789, from Fr. octogénaire aged 80, from L. octogenarius containing eighty, from octogeni eighty each, related to octoginta eighty, from octo eight (see EIGHT (Cf. eight)). As an adjective from 1784 …   Etymology dictionary

  • octogenarian — ► NOUN ▪ a person who is between 80 and 89 years old. ORIGIN from Latin octoginta eighty …   English terms dictionary

  • octogenarian — [äk΄tə ji ner′ē ən] adj. [L octogenarius, containing eighty < octogeni, eighty each < octoginta, eighty: see OCTO & TY2] 80 years old, or between the ages of 80 and 90 n. a person of this age …   English World dictionary

  • octogenarian — UK [ˌɒktəʊdʒəˈneərɪən] / US [ˌɑktədʒəˈnerɪən] noun [countable] Word forms octogenarian : singular octogenarian plural octogenarians formal someone who is between 80 and 89 years old …   English dictionary

  • octogenarian — noun Etymology: Latin octogenarius containing eighty, from octogeni eighty each, from octoginta eighty, from octo eight + ginta (akin to viginti twenty) more at vigesimal Date: 1815 a person whose age is in the eighties • octogenarian adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • octogenarian — 1. noun One who is between the age of eighty and eighty nine, inclusive. 2. adjective a) Being between the age of 80 and 89, inclusive. b) Of or related to an octogenarian …   Wiktionary

  • octogenarian — oc·to·ge·nar·i·an .äk tə jə ner ē ən n a person whose age is in the eighties octogenarian adj …   Medical dictionary

  • octogenarian — [[t]ɒ̱ktoʊʤɪne͟əriən[/t]] octogenarians N COUNT An octogenarian is a person who is between eighty and eighty nine years old …   English dictionary

  • octogenarian — /ˌɒktoʊdʒəˈnɛəriən / (say .oktohjuh nairreeuhn) adjective 1. of the age of 80 years, or between 80 and 90 years old. –noun 2. an octogenarian person. Also, Rare, octogenary /ɒkˈtɒdʒənəri/ (say ok tojuhnuhree). {Latin octōgēnārius containing… …  

  • octogenarian — octogenarianism, n. /ok teuh jeuh nair ee euhn/, adj. Also, octogenary /ok toj euh ner ee/. 1. of the age of 80 years. 2. between 80 and 90 years old. n. 3. a person who is between 80 and 90 years old. [1805 15; < L octogenari(us) comprising… …   Universalium

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