Смотреть что такое "octadecyl" в других словарях:
octadecyl- — oktadecil statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė H(CH₂)₁₈– atitikmenys: angl. octadecyl rus. октадецил … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Octadecyl- — Oc|ta|de|cyl ; veraltetes Syn.: Stearyl : Präfix für die Gruppierung C18H37 in Namen von org. Verbindungen … Universal-Lexikon
octadecyl — oc·ta·dec·yl … English syllables
octadecyl — ˌäktəˈdesə̇l noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary octadecane + yl : an alkyl radical C18H37 derived from an octadecane by removal of one hydrogen atom; especially : the normal radical CH3(CH2)16CH2− … Useful english dictionary
Lipid bilayer fusion — Illustration of lipid vesicles fusing showing two possible outcomes: hemifusion and full fusion. In hemifusion only the outer bilayer leaflets mix. In full fusion both leaflets as well as the internal contents mix. Fusion is the process by which… … Wikipedia
Stearyl alcohol — Stearyl alcohol[1] … Wikipedia
Stearyl heptanoate — Chembox new ImageFile = Stearyl heptanoate.png ImageSize = IUPACName = Octadecyl heptanoate OtherNames = Tegosoft SH Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 66009 41 4 PubChem = 105242 EINECS = 266 065 4 SMILES = CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOC(=O)CCCCCC… … Wikipedia
Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride — IUPAC name N,N Dimethyl N octadecyloctadecan 1 aminium chloride … Wikipedia
C18 — may refer to: * HMS C18, a submarine * Sauber C18and also : * Combat 18, a British neo Nazi organization * The 1938 Chrysler Royal C18 * The C 18, a military cargo version of the Boeing C 137 Stratoliner * a octadecyl type hydrocarbon with 18… … Wikipedia
Aqueous normal phase chromatography — Infobox chemical analysis name = Aqueous normal phase chromatography caption = acronym = classification = chromatography analytes = manufacturers = related = Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography Ion exchange chromatography hyphenated =… … Wikipedia
Olaflur — Systematic (IUPAC) name N,N,N tris(2 hydroxyethyl) N octadecylpropane 1,3 diamine dihydrofluoride Clinical data AHFS/Drugs.com … Wikipedia