- occultism
- ˈɔkəltɪzm сущ. оккультизм (общее название учений, признающих наличие скрытых сил в человеке и космосе) оккультизм occultism оккультизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Occultism — Oc*cult ism, n. 1. A certain Oriental system of theosophy. A. P. Sinnett. [1913 Webster] 2. Belief in occult powers or in supernatural forces other than the God of traditional religions, such as in magic, necromancy, alchemy, and astrology. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
occultism — index mystery Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
occultism — (n.) 1870, from OCCULT (Cf. occult) + ISM (Cf. ism). Related: Occultist … Etymology dictionary
occultism — [ə kult′iz΄əm] n. 1. belief in occult forces and powers 2. the practice or study of occult arts occultist n … English World dictionary
occultism — occultist, n., adj. /euh kul tiz euhm/, n. 1. belief in the existence of secret, mysterious, or supernatural agencies. 2. the study or practice of occult arts. [1880 85; OCCULT + ISM] * * * Theories, practices, and rituals based on esoteric… … Universalium
occultism — occult ► NOUN (the occult) ▪ supernatural beliefs, practices, or phenomena. ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the occult. 2) beyond ordinary knowledge or experience; esoteric. 3) Medicine (of a disease or process) present but not readily discernible. ►… … English terms dictionary
Occultism and the far right — Topics of occultism or Neopaganism and the far right: Ariosophy (pre WWII Germanic mysticism) Irminism Nazi occultism (1919s 1930s) Neo völkisch movements (1950s to present) Esoteric Nazism (1950s 1980s) Integral Traditionalism National Socialist … Wikipedia
occultism — noun Date: 1881 occult theory or practice ; belief in or study of the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers • occultist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
occultism — noun a) The study of the supernatural b) A belief in occult powers and the hope of controlling them … Wiktionary
Occultism — See Astrology; Magic … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
occultism — Synonyms and related words: bodilessness, ghostliness, immateriality, immaterialness, impalpability, imponderability, incorporeality, incorporeity, inextension, intangibility, nonexteriority, occult phenomena, otherworldliness, psychical research … Moby Thesaurus