Смотреть что такое "occidentally" в других словарях:
occidentally — adverb see occidental … New Collegiate Dictionary
occidentally — adverb In an occidental manner … Wiktionary
occidentally — oc·ci·den·tal·ly … English syllables
occidentally — adverb see occidental I … Useful english dictionary
occidental — adjective Usage: often capitalized Date: 14th century 1. of, relating to, or situated in the Occident ; western 2. of or relating to Occidentals • occidentally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
occidental — occidentality, n. occidentally, adv. /ok si den tl/, adj. 1. (usually cap.) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Occident or its natives and inhabitants. 2. western. n. 3. (usually cap.) a native or inhabitant of the Occident. [1350 1400;… … Universalium
occidental — /ɒksəˈdɛntl/ (say oksuh dentl) adjective 1. (sometimes upper case) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Occident. 2. western (defs 1–4). –noun 3. (usually upper case) a native or inhabitant of the Occident. {Middle English, from Latin… …
occidental — adj. & n. adj. 1 of the Occident. 2 western. 3 of Western nations. n. (Occidental) a native of the Occident. Derivatives: occidentalism n. occidentalist n. occidentalize v.tr. (also ise). occidentally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF occidental or L… … Useful english dictionary
Occidental — adj. & n. adj. 1 of the Occident. 2 western. 3 of Western nations. n. (Occidental) a native of the Occident. Derivatives: occidentalism n. occidentalist n. occidentalize v.tr. (also ise). occidentally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF occidental or L… … Useful english dictionary