occasional ode
Смотреть что такое "occasional ode" в других словарях:
Ode on the Departing Year — was composed by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1796. The poem describes Coleridge s feelings on politics and religion, and it emphasizes an idyllic lifestyle as an optimal way of living. Contents 1 Background 2 Poem 3 Themes 4 … Wikipedia
Ode: Intimations of Immortality — For the musical work by Gerald Finzi, see Intimations of Immortality. Poem s title page from 1815 collection of Poems Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (also known as Ode, Immortality Ode or Great Ode) is a… … Wikipedia
Occasional Oratorio — George Frideric Handel … Wikipedia
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne — George Frideric Handel … Wikipedia
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day (Handel) — George Frideric Handel … Wikipedia
choral music — ▪ vocal music Introduction music sung by a choir with two or more voices assigned to each part. Choral music is necessarily polyphonal i.e., consisting of two or more autonomous vocal (vocal music) lines. It has a long history in European… … Universalium
English literature — Introduction the body of written works produced in the English language by inhabitants of the British Isles (including Ireland) from the 7th century to the present day. The major literatures written in English outside the British Isles are… … Universalium
Islamic arts — Visual, literary, and performing arts of the populations that adopted Islam from the 7th century. Islamic visual arts are decorative, colourful, and, in religious art, nonrepresentational; the characteristic Islamic decoration is the arabesque.… … Universalium
Bacchylides — (5th century BC) was an Ancient Greek lyric poet. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets which included his uncle Simonides.Early lifeHe was born in Iulis, on the island of Ceos. His father’s name was probably Meidon; … Wikipedia
Latin American literature — Introduction the national literatures of the Spanish speaking countries of the Western Hemisphere. Historically, it also includes the literary expression of the highly developed American Indian civilizations conquered by the Spaniards. Over … Universalium
Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" — ( de. Hölderlins Hymne »Der Ister«) is the title given to a lecture course delivered by German philosopher Martin Heidegger at the University of Freiburg in 1942. It was first published in 1984 as volume 53 of Heidegger s Gesamtausgabe . The… … Wikipedia