Смотреть что такое "obviously" в других словарях:
Obviously — «Obviously» single de McFly del álbum Room on the 3rd Floor Lado A «Obviously» Lado B «Help!» Publicación 21 de junio de 2004 Formato CD … Wikipedia Español
Obviously — «Obviously» Сингл McFly из аль … Википедия
Obviously — Single by McFly from the album Room on the 3rd Floor Released 21 June … Wikipedia
obviously — index fairly (clearly) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obviously — [adv] unmistakably apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, distinctly, evidently, incontestably, noticeably, of course, openly, plainly, seemingly, surely, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, visibly, without doubt; concepts 535,552 … New thesaurus
obviously — [[t]ɒ̱bviəsli[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl (emphasis) You use obviously when you are stating something that you expect the person who is listening to know already. Obviously, they ve had sponsorship from some big companies... There are obviously… … English dictionary
obviously — ob|vi|ous|ly W2S1 [ˈɔbviəsli US ˈa:b ] adv used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood ▪ We re obviously going to need more help. ▪ Your research has obviously been very thorough. ▪ Obviously, this is going to take some time. ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
obviously — ob|vi|ous|ly [ abviəsli ] adverb *** in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand: Richards was obviously disappointed at being left off the team. Isn t he afraid? Obviously not. a. MAINLY SPOKEN used for emphasizing that you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
obviously */*/*/ — UK [ˈɒbvɪəslɪ] / US [ˈɑbvɪəslɪ] adverb a) in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand Richards was obviously disappointed at being left out of the team. Isn t he afraid? Obviously not. b) mainly spoken used for emphasizing that… … English dictionary
obviously — adverb used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood: We re obviously going to need more help. | “Is she sorry?” “Obviously not! Look at her.” (+ adj/adv): The woman was lying across the chairs, obviously unwell. see of course,… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
obviously*/*/*/ — [ˈɒbviəsli] adv 1) in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand Syn: clearly Richards was obviously disappointed at being left out of the team.[/ex] ‘Isn t he afraid? ‘Obviously not. [/ex] 2) as most people would expect or… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English