Смотреть что такое "obtenebrate" в других словарях:
obtenebrate — ob·ten·e·brate … English syllables
obtenebrate — v.t. darken; cast shadow over … Dictionary of difficult words
obtenebrate — äbˈtenəˌbrāt transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: Late Latin obtenebratus, past participle of obtenebrare to darken, from Latin ob to, toward, over + tenebrare to darken, from tenebrae darkness more at ob , temerity : to darken by or as if by … Useful english dictionary
Obtenebration — Ob*ten e*bra tion, n. [L. obtenebrate to make dark.] The act of darkening; the state of being darkened; darkness. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] In every megrim or vertigo, there is an obtenebration joined with a semblance of turning round. Bacon. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obfuscate — v 1. confuse, bewilder, muddle, perplex; puzzle, baffle, confound, fluster, Inf. rattle; stupefy, mystify, disconcert, daze, befuddle, dazzle; jumble, mess up, complicate, scramble, garble. 2. obscure, cloud, fog, smoke, nubilate, blur,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder