obtainable price
Смотреть что такое "obtainable price" в других словарях:
price — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Something demanded in exchange Nouns 1. price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure, demand; fare, hire, bill, tab, rental; overhead, carrying charge or cost; rent charge, rackrent,… … English dictionary for students
Japanese asset price bubble — The nihongo|Japanese asset price bubble|バブル景気|baburu keiki|lit. bubble economy was an economic bubble in Japan from 1986 to 1990, in which real estate and stock prices greatly inflated. The bubble s collapse lasted for more than a decade with… … Wikipedia
Wellhead price — The value at the mouth of the well. In general, the wellhead price is considered to be the sales price obtainable from a third party in an arm s length transaction. Posted prices, requested prices, or prices as defined by lease agreements,… … Energy terms
market order — An order to buy or sell a futures contract of a given delivery month to be filled at the best possible price and as soon as possible. Chicago Board of Trade glossary An order to buy or sell futures or futures options contracts as soon as possible … Financial and business terms
доступная цена — [Интент] Тематики торговля EN affordable pricemoderate priceobtainable pricepopular pricereasonable price … Справочник технического переводчика
market — /ˈmakət / (say mahkuht) noun 1. a meeting of people for selling and buying. 2. the assemblage of people at such a meeting. 3. an open space or a covered building where such meetings are held, especially for the sale of food, etc. 4. a store for… …
what the traffic will bear — an excessive but obtainable price The imagery is from transport pricing policy. The cliché is most used by lawyers, merchant bankers, etc. when setting fee levels for corporate, careless, or care worn customers … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
judicial partition — A compulsory partition in action by which co owners of property cause it to be divided into as many shares as there are owners, according to their interests therein, or, if that cannot be done equitably, to be sold for the best obtainable price… … Ballentine's law dictionary
partition — The division made between two or more persons of lands, tenements, hereditaments, or goods and chattels belonging to them as co owners. Technically, the division of real estate made between coparceners tenants in common, or joint tenants. 40 Am… … Ballentine's law dictionary
locomotive — locomotively, adv. locomotiveness, locomotivity, n. /loh keuh moh tiv/, n. 1. a self propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars. 2. an organized… … Universalium
security — /si kyoor i tee/, n., pl. securities, adj. n. 1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety. 2. freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well founded confidence. 3. something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense. 4. freedom from financial… … Universalium