- obstacle clearance
- высота пролета препятствий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
obstacle-clearance altitude (OCA)/obstacle-clearance height — The lowest altitude or height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the airport elevation as applicable, used in compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. Obstacle clearance altitude is referenced to mean sea… … Aviation dictionary
Obstacle Clearance Altitude — Unter Obstacle Clearance Altitude (OCA) versteht man in der Luftfahrt die Höhe über MSL, in der bei einem Instrumentenanflug noch Freiheit von Hindernissen besteht. Sie ist vor allem für den Flug unter Instrumentenflugbedingungen von Bedeutung.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
obstacle-clearance box — A rectangle on an aeronautical chart that contains the number indicating the obstacle clearance required (in feet) on the approach segment where the box appears … Aviation dictionary
obstacle-clearance speed — The air speed for the steepest angle of climb in a takeoff configuration. Its value is less than the best rate of climb speed, and it is obtained by actual flight tests. It is usually about 1.1 to 1.2 times the basic stalling speed. It should be… … Aviation dictionary
obstacle-clearance limit — The height above the airport elevation below which the minimum prescribed vertical clearance cannot be maintained either on approach or in the event of a missed approach … Aviation dictionary
obstacle clearance — In air operations, the vertical distance between the lowest and the authorized height of operation … Aviation dictionary
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude — Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude, or MOCA, is the lowest published altitude in effect between fixes on VOR airways, off airway routes, or route segments that meets obstacle (like a building or a tower) clearance requirements for the entire… … Wikipedia
minimum obstacle clearance altitude — The lowest published altitude in effect between radio fixes on VOR (very high frequency omnidirection radio range) airways, off airway routes, or route segments that meets obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment and ensures… … Aviation dictionary
obstacle assessment surface — A defined surface intended for the purpose of determining those obstacles to be considered in the calculation of obstacle clearance altitude/height for a specified ILS (instrument landing system) facility and procedure (ICAO). See also obstacle… … Aviation dictionary
obstacle — [n] impediment, barrier bar, block, booby trap*, bump*, catch, Catch 22*, check, clog*, crimp*, difficulty, disincentive, encumbrance, hamper, handicap, hang up*, hardship, hindrance, hitch*, hurdle, interference, interruption, joker*, monkey… … New thesaurus
Obstacle Free Zone — The Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) is a three dimensional volume of airspace below 150 feet (46 m), above the established airport elevation which protects for the transition of aircraft to and from the runway. The Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) clearing … Wikipedia