obsolete form
Смотреть что такое "obsolete form" в других словарях:
Form — • The original meaning of the term form, both in Greek and Latin, was and is that in common use • eidos, being translated, that which is seen, shape, etc., with secondary meanings derived from this, as form, sort, particular, kind, nature… … Catholic encyclopedia
Form (computer virus) — Computer virus Fullname = Form Common name = Form Technical name = Form Family = N/A Aliases = Form18, Forms Classification = Virus Type = DOS Subtype = Boot virus IsolationDate = June 1990 Isolation = Switzerland Origin = Switzerland (?) Author … Wikipedia
Obsolete (album) — Obsolete Studio album by Fear Factory Released July 28, 1998 March 23, 1999 (limited edition d … Wikipedia
form — I n. printed document 1) to fill in (BE), fill out (esp. AE), fill up (obsol. BE) a form 2) an application; tax form shape manner 3) to assume, take (on) a form (to assume human form) 4) an abridged, condensed; comprehensive; concise; convenient … Combinatory dictionary
obsolete — obsoletely, adv. obsoleteness, n. /ob seuh leet , ob seuh leet /, adj., v., obsoleted, obsoleting. adj. 1. no longer in general use; fallen into disuse: an obsolete expression. 2. of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date: an obsolete… … Universalium
obsolete — ob•so•lete [[t]ˌɒb səˈlit, ˈɒb səˌlit[/t]] adj. v. let•ed, let•ing 1) no longer in general use: obsolete customs[/ex] 2) of a discarded or outmoded type: an obsolete battleship[/ex] 3) ling. (of a linguistic form) no longer in use, esp., out of… … From formal English to slang
form — /fɔm / (say fawm) noun 1. definite shape; external shape or appearance considered apart from colour or material; configuration. 2. the shape of a thing or person. 3. a body, especially that of a human being. 4. something that gives or determines… …
Obsolete golf clubs — Early golf clubs were all made of wood. They were hand crafted, often by the players themselves, and had no standard shape or form. As the sport of golf developed, a standard set of clubs began to take shape, with different clubs being fashioned… … Wikipedia
form|er — for|mer1 «FR muhr», adjective. 1. the first mentioned of two: »When she is offered ice cream or pie, she always chooses the former because she likes ice cream better. 2. earlier; past; long past: »In former times, cooking was done in fireplaces… … Useful english dictionary
SEC Form U-1 — An application or declaration made by a company to the Securities Exchange Commission, of an issue or sale of securities, an acquisition, or sale of assets. Form U 1 was known as the Uniform Application to Register Securities. This form is now… … Investment dictionary
in|form — in|form1 «ihn FRM», transitive verb. 1. to supply with knowledge, facts, or news; tell: »Please inform your students of the changes in today s schedule. The witness informed the jury about the details. 2. to inspire; animate: »God informed their… … Useful english dictionary