observed wavelet
Смотреть что такое "observed wavelet" в других словарях:
Legendre wavelet — Legendre wavelets: spherical harmonic wavelets = Compactly supported wavelets derived from Legendre polynomials are termed spherical harmonic or Legendre wavelets [1] . Legendre functions have widespread applications in which spherical coordinate … Wikipedia
наблюдённый импульс — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN observed wavelet … Справочник технического переводчика
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
optics — /op tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physical science that deals with the properties and phenomena of both visible and invisible light and with vision. [1605 15; < ML optica < Gk optiká, n. use of neut. pl. of OPTIKÓS; see OPTIC,… … Universalium
Time series — Time series: random data plus trend, with best fit line and different smoothings In statistics, signal processing, econometrics and mathematical finance, a time series is a sequence of data points, measured typically at successive times spaced at … Wikipedia
Overcompleteness — A system in a Banach space X is complete if every element in X can be approximated arbitrarily well in norm by finite linear combinations of elements in .[1] Such a complete system is overcomplete if removal of a ϕj from the system results in a… … Wikipedia
Double-slit experiment — Slit experiment redirects here. For other uses, see Diffraction. Quantum mechanics … Wikipedia
Wave–particle duality — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
sound — sound1 soundable, adj. /sownd/, n. 1. the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium. 2. mechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium, traveling in air at a… … Universalium
Sound — /sownd/, n. The, a strait between SW Sweden and Zealand, connecting the Kattegat and the Baltic. 87 mi. (140 km) long; 3 30 mi. (5 48 km) wide. Swedish and Danish, Oresund. * * * I Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal wave… … Universalium
Multifractal system — A multifractal system is a generalization of a fractal system in which a single exponent (the fractal dimension) is not enough to describe its dynamics; instead, a continuous spectrum of exponents (the so called singularity spectrum) is needed.… … Wikipedia