- obsceneness
- неприличие, непристойность;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Obsceneness — Obscene Ob*scene , a. [L. obscenus, obscaenus, obscoenus, ill looking, filthy, obscene: cf. F. obsc[ e]ne.] [1913 Webster] 1. Offensive to chastity or modesty; expressing or presenting to the mind or view something which delicacy, purity, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obsceneness — ob·scene·ness … English syllables
obsceneness — nnə̇s noun ( es) : obscenity 1a … Useful english dictionary
Obscenities — Obscenity Ob*scen i*ty, n.; pl. {Obscenities}. [L. obscentias: cf. F. obsc[ e]nit[ e].] That quality in words or things which presents what is offensive to chastity or purity of mind; obscene or impure lanquage or acts; moral impurity; lewdness;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obscenity — Ob*scen i*ty, n.; pl. {Obscenities}. [L. obscentias: cf. F. obsc[ e]nit[ e].] That quality in words or things which presents what is offensive to chastity or purity of mind; obscene or impure lanquage or acts; moral impurity; lewdness;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obscene — obscenely, adv. obsceneness, n. /euhb seen /, adj. 1. offensive to morality or decency; indecent; depraved: obscene language. 2. causing uncontrolled sexual desire. 3. abominable; disgusting; repulsive. [1585 95; < L obscenus, obscaenus] * * * … Universalium
obscenity — n. 1. Indecency, indelicacy, immodesty, unchastity, lewdness, obsceneness. 2. Ribaldry, lewdness, smuttiness, indelicacy … New dictionary of synonyms
indecency — n 1. impropriety, improperness, indecorum, indecorousness; gaucheness, gaucherie, uncouthness, crassness, boorishness, rudeness, ill breeding, unmannerliness, ill manneredness, uncivility, uncivilness, ungentlemanliness; inappropriateness,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lasciviousness — n 1. lewdness, lechery, lecherousness, lubricity, goatishness, ruttishness; lust, lustfulness, concupiscence, prurience, pruriency, libidinousness, salacity, salaciousness; carnality, carnalness, car nalism, sensuality, voluptuousness,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lewdness — n 1. lechery, lecherousness, lubricity, goatishness, ruttishness; lust, lustfulness, concupiscence, prurience, pruriency, libidinousness, salacity, salaciousness; carnality, carnalness, carnalism, sensuality, voluptuousness, promiscuity,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
obscenity — n 1. indecency, vulgarity, vulgarness, salaciousness, vileness, foulness, obsceneness; filthiness, nastiness, Sl. raunchiness; lecherousness, lubricity, lustfulness, bawdiness, libidinousness, concupiscence, carnality, carnalness; licentiousness … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder