Смотреть что такое "oboli" в других словарях:
Oboli — Obolus Ob o*lus, n.;pl. {Oboli}. [L., fr. Gr. (?)] (Gr.Antiq.) (a) A small silver coin of Athens, the sixth part of a drachma, about three cents in value. (b) An ancient weight, the sixth part of a drachm. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Omoni Oboli — Born Mosogar, Delta State, Nigeria[1] Occupation Actress, scriptwriter, producer[2] Years active … Wikipedia
obolinis — obolìnis, ė adj. (2) žr. 2 obuolinis 3: Obolinė spyna N … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
OBOLUS — Graece ὀβολὸς, nummi genus minutum. Nomen tulit, quod Atheniensium nummus Ὀβολὸς obelum in cusum ostentaverit: an potius a figura obeli, quam primitus habuit. Ita enim Eustathius in Il. α. Ὀβολὸν σιδήρου ἔλασμά τι ἔλεγον. χῆμα μὲν πῶς ἔχων ὀβολοῦ … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Dikastes — Dicast redirects here. For the process of casting dies with molten metal, see die casting. Dikastes (Greek: δικαστής, pl. δικασταί) was a legal office in ancient Greece that signified, in the broadest sense, a judge or juror, but more… … Wikipedia
obol — OBÓL, (1) oboluri, s.n., (2) oboli, s.m. 1. s.n. Sumă modestă cu care cineva contribuie la o acţiune; p. gener. contribuţie de orice natură. ♢ expr. A şi da obolul = a contribui cu un mic ajutor în scop de binefacere. 2. s.m. Veche monedă… … Dicționar Român
Triobolar — Tri*ob o*lar, Triobolary Tri*ob o*la*ry, a. [LL. triobolaris, fr. L. triobolus a piece of three oboli, Gr. ?. See Tri , and {Obolus}.] Of the value of three oboli; hence, mean; worthless. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It may pass current . . . for a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Triobolary — Triobolar Tri*ob o*lar, Triobolary Tri*ob o*la*ry, a. [LL. triobolaris, fr. L. triobolus a piece of three oboli, Gr. ?. See Tri , and {Obolus}.] Of the value of three oboli; hence, mean; worthless. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It may pass current . . .… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ionian obol — The obol (plural oboli ) was the currency of the Ionian Islands between 1819 and 1863. Until 1834, 1 obol = 4 lepta (singular lepton ), after which 1 obol = 5 lepta. Throughout its existence, the obol was equal to a British half penny. The obol… … Wikipedia
Drachme (Antike) — Griechische Drachme Land: Griechenland Unterteilung: 100 Lepta ISO 4217 Code: GRD Abkürzung: ₯ Wechselkurs: (fix) 1 EUR = 340,750 GRD 100 GRD = 0,293470 EUR … Deutsch Wikipedia
Drachmon — Griechische Drachme Land: Griechenland Unterteilung: 100 Lepta ISO 4217 Code: GRD Abkürzung: ₯ Wechselkurs: (fix) 1 EUR = 340,750 GRD 100 GRD = 0,293470 EUR … Deutsch Wikipedia