Смотреть что такое "obliquely" в других словарях:
Obliquely — Ob*lique ly, adv. In an oblique manner; not directly; indirectly. Truth obliquely leveled. Bp. Fell. [1913 Webster] Declining from the noon of day, The sun obliquely shoots his burning ray. Pope [1913 Webster] His discourse tends obliquely to the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obliquely — adverb 1) was the rope, strung across this road obliquely, a real weapon or just a simpleminded booby trap? Syn: diagonally, at an angle, slantwise, sideways, sidelong, aslant 2) she was an embarrassment, someone who could only be spoken of… … Thesaurus of popular words
obliquely — oblique ► ADJECTIVE 1) neither parallel nor at right angles; slanting. 2) not explicit or direct. 3) Geometry (of a line, plane figure, or surface) inclined at other than a right angle. ► NOUN Brit. another term for SLASH(Cf. ↑slasher) (in sense… … English terms dictionary
obliquely erect — Directed obliquely, more or less at 45 degrees to basal surface [Butler, T.H.] … Crustacea glossary
obliquely — adverb see oblique I … New Collegiate Dictionary
obliquely — /euh bleek lee, oh bleek /; Mil. /euh bluyk lee, oh bluyk /, adv. in an oblique manner or direction. [1565 75; OBLIQUE + LY] * * * … Universalium
obliquely — adverb in an oblique manner; sideways … Wiktionary
obliquely — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. cornerways, diagonally, cater corner; see cornerwise … English dictionary for students
obliquely — É™ blɪËklɪ adv. in an oblique manner; diagonally; indirectly … English contemporary dictionary
obliquely — oblique·ly … English syllables
obliquely — See: oblique … English dictionary