
ˈɔblɪɡeɪt гл. обязывать, заставлять, связывать, принуждать обыкн. страд. What does the agreement obligate us to do? ≈ Какие действия нас обязывает совершить это соглашение? обязательный, неизбежный, закономерный - following an * course of development следуя закономерным путем развития необходимый, существенный (биология) облигатный (способный жить лишь в определенных условиях) - * parasite облигатный паразит обязать;
предписать - he felt *d to visit his parents он чувствовал себя обязанным навестить родителей - a witness in court is *d to tell the truth в суде свидетель обязан говорить правду обязывать;
вызывать на ответную услугу - he did it to * us to come он это сделал, чтобы обязать нас прийти (американизм) отдавать под или в залог, закладывать (ценности, собственность) obligate обязывать(ся) ~ (обыкн. pass.) обязывать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "obligate" в других словарях:

  • Obligate — means by necessity (antonym facultative) and is used mainly in biology in phrases such as: Obligate aerobe, an organism that cannot survive without oxygen Obligate anaerobe, an organism that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen Obligate air… …   Wikipedia

  • obligate — ob‧li‧gate [ˈɒblgeɪt ǁ ˈɑːb ] verb [transitive] especially AmE 1. to make it necessary for someone to do something: • A new law will obligate all companies engaging in banking business to get approval from the finance ministry. 2. FINANCE if an… …   Financial and business terms

  • obligate — ob·li·gate / ä blə ˌgāt/ vt gat·ed, gat·ing 1: to bind legally or morally was obligated to pay child support 2: to commit (as funds or property) to meet or provide security for an obligation oblig·a·to·ry /ə bli gə ˌtōr ē/ ad …   Law dictionary

  • Obligate — Ob li*gate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Obligated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Obligating}.] [L. obligatus, p. p. of obligare. See {Oblige}.] 1. To bring or place under obligation, moral or legal; to hold by a constraining motive. Obligated by a sense of duty.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • obligate — [äb′li gāt΄; ] for adj. [, äb′ləgit, äb′ləgāt΄] vt. obligated, obligating [< L obligatus, pp. of obligare: see OBLIGE] to bind by a contract, promise, sense of duty, etc.; put under obligation adj. [ME < L obligatus] 1. bound; obliged 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • obligate — (v.) 1540s, to bind, connect; 1660s, to put under moral obligation, from L. obligatus, pp. of obligare (see OBLIGE (Cf. oblige)). Oblige, with which it has been confused since late 17c., means to do one a favor. Related: Obligated; obligating …   Etymology dictionary

  • obligate — [v] require astrict, bind, constrain, force, indebt, make indebted, oblige, restrain, restrict; concepts 53,130,646 Ant. let off …   New thesaurus

  • obligate — ► VERB 1) compel legally or morally. 2) US commit (assets) as security. ► ADJECTIVE Biology ▪ restricted to a particular function or mode of life. ORIGIN Latin obligare, from ligare to bind …   English terms dictionary

  • obligate — Without an alternative system or pathway. [L. ob ligo, pp. atus, to bind to] * * * ob·li·gate äb li gət, lə .gāt adj 1) restricted to one particularly characteristic mode of life or way of functioning <the infant is an obligate nose breather… …   Medical dictionary

  • obligate — I. transitive verb ( gated; gating) Etymology: Latin obligatus, past participle of obligare Date: 1533 1. to bind legally or morally ; constrain 2. to commit (as funds) to meet an obligation II. adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • obligate — obligable /ob li geuh beuhl/, adj. obligator, n. v. /ob li gayt /; adj. /ob li git, gayt /, v. obligated, obligating, adj. v.t. 1. to bind or oblige morally or legally: to obligate oneself to purchase a building. 2. to pledge, commit, or bind… …   Universalium

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