
предметное стекло (микроскопа)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "object-plate" в других словарях:

  • Plate-forme d'apprentissage en ligne — Article principal : Technologies de l information et de la communication pour l éducation. Une plate forme d apprentissage en ligne, appelée parfois LMS (Learning Management System), est un site web qui présente du contenu didactique et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plate-forme pédagogique — Plate forme d apprentissage en ligne Article principal : Technologies de l information et de la communication pour l éducation. Une plate forme d apprentissage en ligne, appelée parfois LMS (Learning Management System), est un site web qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Object manipulation — is a form of dexterity play or performance in which one or more artists physically interact with one or more objects. These can be special props made for the purpose of the manipulation itself such as balls, clubs, hoops, rings, poi, staff, devil …   Wikipedia

  • plate — [plāt] n. [OFr, flat object < fem. of plat, flat < VL * plattus < Gr platys, broad, flat: see PLATY ] 1. a smooth, flat, relatively thin piece of metal or other material 2. a sheet of metal made by beating, rolling, or casting 3. a) any… …   English World dictionary

  • plate — ► NOUN 1) a flat dish from which food is eaten or served. 2) bowls, cups, and other utensils made of gold or silver. 3) a thin, flat piece of metal used to join or strengthen or forming part of a machine. 4) a small, flat piece of metal bearing a …   English terms dictionary

  • plate — noun 1》 a flat dish, typically circular, from which food is eaten or served.     ↘N. Amer. a main course of a meal.     ↘Austral./NZ a plate of food contributed by a guest to a social gathering. 2》 any shallow dish, especially one used for… …   English new terms dictionary

  • plate — plate1 [ pleıt ] noun *** ▸ 1 flat round dish ▸ 2 metal/bone/etc. cover ▸ 3 for showing information ▸ 4 thin silver/gold layer ▸ 5 (for printing) in book ▸ 6 for teeth ▸ 7 part of Earth s surface ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a flat round dish that you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • plate — I UK [pleɪt] / US noun Word forms plate : singular plate plural plates *** 1) [countable] a flat round dish that you put food on Rinse the plates before putting them in the dishwasher. paper plates a) plate or plateful the amount of food that a… …   English dictionary

  • plate — 1. [TA] In anatomy, a thin, relative flat, structure. SYN: lamina [TA]. 2. A metal bar perforated for screws applied to a fractured bone to maintain the ends in apposition. 3. The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar …   Medical dictionary

  • plate — 1. noun /pleɪt/ a) A dish from which food is served or eaten. I filled my plate from the bountiful table. b) The contents of such a dish. I ate a plate of beans. 2 …   Wiktionary

  • plate —    A smooth, flat, relatively thin, rigid object of uniform thickness. May refer to any of the following: a sheet of metal, electroplate, a sheet of any material prepared to be inked in order to make prints, a print (especially when produced for… …   Glossary of Art Terms

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