- object file
- выходной файл (транслятора) , проф. объектный файл
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
object file — ob ject file, object program ob ject program, n. (Computers) A computer program which has been translated into machine language by a compiler and assembler, but not yet linked into an executable program; sometimes called an {obj file}, because… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Object file — OBJ file redirects here. For specific format used on DOS, see Relocatable Object Module Format. In computer science, an object file is an organized collection of separate, named sequences of machine code[citation needed]. Each sequence, or object … Wikipedia
Object File Format — bezeichnet ein sehr einfaches Datenformat, das einen aus beliebigen Polygonen zusammengesetztes Polyeder beschreibt und häufig von wissenschaftlichen Programmen verwendet wird, die mit 3D Daten arbeiten. Die Namenserweiterung für diese Dateien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Common Object File Format — Das Common Object File Format (COFF) ist ein Binärformat für Programme und Objektdateien. Eingeführt wurde es für Unix System V Systeme und findet heutzutage vor allem für Windows Verwendung. Für Dateiendungen wird es gerne als COF oder auch OBJ… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Video Recording Object file — Vro (Video Recording Object file) est un format de fichiers informatiques présent sur certains DVD utilisés pour de la vidéo : DVD RAM (qui ne peuvent être finalisés ), permettant notamment le time shifting lors de l enregistrement DVD RW… … Wikipédia en Français
Object Action Interface — Object Action Interface, also abbreviated as OAI, is an extension to the Graphical User Interface, especially related to Direct Manipulation User Interface. It emphasises upon how Direct Manipulation User Interface (DMUI) can help to create… … Wikipedia
object program — object file ob ject file, object program ob ject program, n. (Computers) A computer program which has been translated into machine language by a compiler and assembler, but not yet linked into an executable program; sometimes called an {obj file} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Object — may refer to: Object (philosophy), a thing, being or concept Entity, something that is tangible and within the grasp of the senses As used in object relations theories of psychoanalysis, that to which a subject relates. Object (grammar), a… … Wikipedia
Object code — Object code, or sometimes object module, is what a computer compiler produces.[1] In a general sense object code is a sequence of statements in a computer language,[2] usually a machine code language.[3] See also Object file References … Wikipedia
Object language — An object language is a language which is the object of study in various fields including logic, linguistics, mathematics and theoretical computer science. The language being used to talk about an object language is called a metalanguage. An… … Wikipedia
File format — A file format is a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. Since a disk drive, or indeed any computer storage, can store only bits, the computer must have some way of converting information to 0s and 1s and vice … Wikipedia