Смотреть что такое "nyctophobia" в других словарях:
nyctophobia — (n.) medical Latin, from NYCTO (Cf. nycto ) night + PHOBIA (Cf. phobia) fear. Related: Nyctophobic … Etymology dictionary
nyctophobia — [nik΄tə fō′bē ə] n. [ NYCTO + PHOBIA] an unnatural or excessive fear of darkness or night … English World dictionary
Nyctophobia — Scotophobia redirects here. For the hatred, fear or envy of Scotland, or people or things from the country, see Anti Scottish sentiment. Nyctophobia is a phobia characterized by a severe fear of the darkness. It is triggered by the brain’s… … Wikipedia
nyctophobia — /nik teuh foh bee euh/, n. Psychiatry. an abnormal fear of night or darkness. [NYCTO + PHOBIA] * * * … Universalium
nyctophobia — noun A fear of the night, nighttime or darkness. Syn: noctiphobia, scotophobia … Wiktionary
Nyctophobia — Pathological fear of the dark, an abnormal and persistent dread of the dark. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they may rationally realize that the dark does not pose a threat commensurate with their fear. Formed from the Greek nyx (night) … Medical dictionary
nyctophobia — fear of the night or darkness Phobias … Phrontistery dictionary
nyctophobia — n. fear of the night; fear of darkness … English contemporary dictionary
nyctophobia — [ˌnɪktə(ʊ) fəʊbɪə] noun extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darkness. Origin C19: from Gk nux, nukt night + phobia … English new terms dictionary
nyctophobia — n. extreme fear of the dark. It is common in children and not unusual in normal adults … The new mediacal dictionary
nyctophobia — A fear of darkness or night … Grandiloquent dictionary