nursery pond
Смотреть что такое "nursery pond" в других словарях:
nursery pond — nursery (2) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Pond Bat — Conservation status Near Threatened (IUCN 3.1 … Wikipedia
Pond Park — (originally called North Chesham) is an area of Chesham in Buckinghamshire, England, built on the hills to the north of the town starting in 1929.This includes a small parade of shops. The nursery school merged with the William Durrant Secondary… … Wikipedia
first fry pond — nursery pond (a pond system intermediate between the hatchery and grow out stages in aquaculture) … Dictionary of ichthyology
first rearing pond — nursery pond (a pond system intermediate between the hatchery and grow out stages in aquaculture) … Dictionary of ichthyology
nursery area — veisykla statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vieta, objektas, statinys, kur kas nors veisiama (pvz., žuvų veisykla). atitikmenys: angl. nurse pond; nursery area vok. Aufzuchtgebiet, n; Züchten, n rus. питомник, m; рыбоводческий… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nursery — 1) an area favoured for birth or egg deposition where young can grow 2) a pond system intermediate between the hatchery and grow out stages in aquaculture … Dictionary of ichthyology
nurse-pond — veisykla statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vieta, objektas, statinys, kur kas nors veisiama (pvz., žuvų veisykla). atitikmenys: angl. nurse pond; nursery area vok. Aufzuchtgebiet, n; Züchten, n rus. питомник, m; рыбоводческий… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum — Pond adjacent to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum s Iris Garden, Chaska, Minnesota. Coordinates … Wikipedia
Newton, Massachusetts — City of Newton, Massachusetts City City Hall … Wikipedia
Toronto Islands — The Toronto Islands as seen from the lower observation deck of the CN Tower. The meandering channels between the sandy and tree covered islands can clearly be seen from this vantage point. Access is restricted to private watercraft, public… … Wikipedia