Numinous — (pronounced /ˈnjuːmɨnəs/) is an English adjective describing the power or presence of a divinity. The word was popularised in the early twentieth century by the German theologian Rudolf Otto in his influential book Das Heilige (1917; translated… … Wikipedia
numinous — uminous adj. 1. Evincing the presence of a deity; as, a numinous wood; the most numinous moment in the Mass. [WordNet 1.5] 2. same as {supernatural}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
numinous — (adj.) divine, spiritual, 1640s, from L. numen (gen. numinis) divine will, properly divine approval expressed by nodding the head, from nuere to nod, from PIE *neu to nod (Cf. Gk. neuein to nod ) + OUS (Cf. ous) … Etymology dictionary
numinous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having a strong religious or spiritual quality. ORIGIN from Latin numen (see NUMEN(Cf. ↑N)) … English terms dictionary
numinous — [no͞o′mə nəs, nyo͞o′mə nəs] adj. [< L numen (gen. numinis), a deity (see NUMEN) + OUS] 1. of or characteristic of a numen; supernatural; divine 2. having a deeply spiritual or mystical effect … English World dictionary
numinous — /nooh meuh neuhs, nyooh /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or like a numen; spiritual or supernatural. 2. surpassing comprehension or understanding; mysterious: that element in artistic expression that remains numinous. 3. arousing one s elevated… … Universalium
numinous — [[t]nju͟ːmɪnəs, AM nu͟ːm [/t]] ADJ GRADED Things that are numinous seem holy or spiritual and mysterious. [LITERARY] This garment was beautifully numinous after being touched and blessed by so many loving hands … English dictionary
numinous — adjective /ˈnjuːmɪnəs,ˈnuːmɪnəs,ˈnjuːmɪnəs/ a) Related to a numen; indicating the presence of a divinity All quests are concerned with a numinous object, e.g. the Holy Grail b) Awe inspiring; evoking a sense of the transcendent, mystical or… … Wiktionary
numinous — Also known as numen praesens. Both terms were introduced in or shortly before 1917 by the German theologist Rudolf Otto (1869 1937) to denote the * sensed presence of a sacred or daemonic entity. References Cheyne, J.A. (2001). The… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
numinous — adjective Etymology: Latin numin , numen numen Date: 1647 1. supernatural, mysterious 2. filled with a sense of the presence of divinity ; holy 3. appealing to the higher emotions or to the aesthetic sense ; spiritual • numinousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
numinous — Synonyms and related words: Greek to one, all knowing, all powerful, all seeing, all wise, almighty, ambiguous, arcane, awe inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, beyond understanding, bizarre, boundless, bright, brilliant, cabalistic, cantrip,… … Moby Thesaurus