numerical interval
Смотреть что такое "numerical interval" в других словарях:
Interval arithmetic — Interval arithmetic, also called interval mathematics , interval analysis , and interval computation , is a method in mathematics. It has been developed by mathematicians since the 1950s and 1960s as an approach to putting bounds on rounding… … Wikipedia
Numerical integration — consists of finding numerical approximations for the value S In numerical analysis, numerical integration constitutes a broad family of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral, and by extension, the term is also… … Wikipedia
Numerical sight-singing — Numerical sight singing, an alternative to the solfege system of sight singing, is a musical notation system that numbers the diatonic scale with the numbers one through eight (or, alternately, one to seven, with the octave again being one).… … Wikipedia
Interval (mathematics) — This article is about intervals of real numbers. For intervals in general mathematics, see Partially ordered set. For other uses, see Interval. In mathematics, a (real) interval is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies … Wikipedia
Numerical ordinary differential equations — Illustration of numerical integration for the differential equation y = y,y(0) = 1. Blue: the Euler method, green: the midpoint method, red: the exact solution, y = et. The step size is h = 1.0 … Wikipedia
Numerical renormalization group — The Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is a technique devised by Kenneth Wilson to solve certain many body problems where quantum impurity physics plays a key role. It is an inherently non perturbative procedure, which was originally used to… … Wikipedia
Numerical range — In the mathematical field of linear algebra and convex analysis, the numerical range of a square matrix with complex entries is a subset of the complex plane associated to the matrix. If A is an n × n matrix with complex entries, then… … Wikipedia
Numerical smoothing and differentiation — An experimental datum value can be conceptually described as the sum of a signal and some noise, but in practice the two contributions cannot be separated. The purpose of smoothing is to increase the Signal to noise ratio without greatly… … Wikipedia
List of numerical analysis topics — This is a list of numerical analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 General 2 Error 3 Elementary and special functions 4 Numerical linear algebra … Wikipedia
Bounding interval hierarchy — A bounding interval hierarchy (BIH) is a partitioning data structure similar to that of bounding volume hierarchies or kd trees. Bounding interval hierarchies can be used in high performance (or real time) ray tracing and may be especially useful … Wikipedia
List of numerical analysis software — Listed here are a number of computer programs used for performing numerical calculations: * acslX is a software application for modeling and evaluating the performance of continuous systems described by time dependent, nonlinear differential… … Wikipedia