number of items
Смотреть что такое "number of items" в других словарях:
Number of items — An ISO term. The number of items included with the cheque remittance. 6n … International financial encyclopaedia
number — numberable, adj. numberer, n. /num beuhr/, n. 1. a numeral or group of numerals. 2. the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a collection of units, or the like: A number of people were hurt in the accident. The number of homeless children in the… … Universalium
Number Please — Format Game Show Created by Mark Goodson Bill Todman Presented by Bud Collyer Narrated by Ralph Paul Country of origin … Wikipedia
number — 1. noun /ˈnʌm.bə(ɹ),ˈnʌm.bɚ/ a) An abstract entity used to describe quantity. Zero, one, 1, 2.5, and pi are all numbers. b) A numeral: a symbol for a non nega … Wiktionary
Number sign — Not to be confused with the Chinese character 井, or the Sharp sign ♯. # Number sign … Wikipedia
number — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A quantity] Syn. amount, sum total, totality, aggregate, whole, whole number, product, measurable quantity, recorded total, estimate, the lot, conglomeration, plenty, manifoldness, plenitude, abundance; see also quantity . 2 … English dictionary for students
Number Five Crossbar Switching System — The Number Five Crossbar Switching System or 5XB switch, designed by Bell Labs and made by Western Electric, was in use in Bell System telephone exchanges from 1948 to the 1980s. Its principal use was as a Class 5 telephone switch, though… … Wikipedia
Number names — In linguistics, a number name, or numeral, is a symbol or group of symbols, or a word in a natural language that represents a number. Numerals differ from numbers just as words differ from the things they refer to. The symbols 11 , eleven and XI… … Wikipedia
NATO Stock Number — A NATO Stock Number, or National Stock Number (NSN) as it is known in the US, is a 13 digit numeric code, identifying all the standardized material items of supply as they have been recognized by all NATO countries including United States… … Wikipedia
National Item Identification Number — A National (or NATO) Item Identification Number (NIIN) is a 9 digit numeric code which uniquely identifies an item of supply in the NATO Codification System (NCS). The NIIN is often prefixed by the NATO Supply Class (NSC aka FSC) to form a… … Wikipedia
Erdős–Bacon number — A person s Erdős–Bacon number is the sum of one s Erdős number mdash;which measures the collaborative distance in authoring mathematical papers between that individual and Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős mdash;and one s Bacon number… … Wikipedia