- nulls
- Пустые
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nulls — nÊŒl v. cancel; nullify, make zero adj. nil; invalid, nullified; void … English contemporary dictionary
nulls — plural of null present third singular of null … Useful english dictionary
summonitiones aut citationes nulls liceant fieri intra palatium regis — /samanishiyowniyz 6t sayteyshiyowniyz naliy lisiyaent fayaray intra paleyshdytem riyjas/ Let no summonses or citations be served within the king s palace … Black's law dictionary
Contra non valentem agere nulls currit praescriptio — No prescription runs against a person who is unable to act. See Broom s Legal Maxims 903 … Ballentine's law dictionary
De morte hominis nulls est cunctatio longa — With respect to a man s death no delay is regarded as long … Ballentine's law dictionary
Nullum crimen, nulls poena, sine lege — Without a law, there is no crime and no punishment. State v Burbee, 65 Vt 1, 25 A 964 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Nullum matrimonium, ibi nulls dos — There is no dower where there is no marriage. If a marriage is dissolved, dower ceases. Wait v Wait (NY) 4 Barb 192, 202 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Null (SQL) — The Greek lowercase omega (ω) character is used to represent Null in database theory. Null is a special marker used in Structured Query Language (SQL) to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database. Introduced by the creator of the… … Wikipedia
Null (SQL) — Null (nulo) es un marcador especial usado en el lenguaje de consulta estructurado (SQL) para indicar que no existe un valor dentro de una base de datos. Introducido por el creador del modelo relacional de bases de datos E. F. Codd, su función es… … Wikipedia Español
Null (physics) — In physics a null is a point in a field where the field quantity is zero as the result of two or more opposing quantities completely cancelling each other. The field may be scalar, vector or tensor in nature. Common situations where nulls arise… … Wikipedia
List of ReBoot characters — This is a list of characters from the animated television series, ReBoot. With the exception of a few characters, such as Bob, most ReBoot characters are named after technical computer terms or pieces of computer hardware.[verification needed]… … Wikipedia