null product

null product
мат. нулевое произведение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "null product" в других словарях:

  • Null [1] — Null, 1) der Unterschied zweier gleichen Größen a – a = 0. Man bedient sich dieses Zeichens (0) beim Schreiben der Zahlen nach einem gewissen Zahlensysteme, z.B. dem Dekadischen, um anzudeuten, daß Einheiten des einen od. andern Ranges, welche in …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Null hypothesis — For the periodical, see Null Hypothesis: The Journal of Unlikely Science. The practice of science involves formulating and testing hypotheses, assertions that are capable of being proven false using a test of observed data. The null hypothesis… …   Wikipedia

  • Null allele — A null allele is a mutant copy of a gene that completely lacks that gene s normal function. This can be the result of the complete absence of the gene product (protein, RNA) at the molecular level, or the expression of a non functional gene… …   Wikipedia

  • Null semigroup — In mathematics, a null semigroup (also called a zero semigroup) is a semigroup with an absorbing element, called zero, in which the product of any two elements is zero.[1] If every element of the semigroup is a left zero then the semigroup is… …   Wikipedia

  • Null mutation — A mutation (a change) in a gene that leads to its not being transcribed into RNA and/or translated into a functional protein product. For example, a null mutation in a gene that usually encodes a specific enzyme leads to the production of a… …   Medical dictionary

  • Product life cycle — Der Produktlebenszyklus ist ein Konzept der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und beschreibt den Prozess zwischen der Markteinführung bzw. Fertigstellung eines marktfähigen Gutes und seiner Herausnahme aus dem Markt. Dabei wird die „Lebensdauer“ eines… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • null mutant — Mutation in which there is no gene product …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • null allele — An allele which produces no functional gene product …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • Massey product — The Massey product is an algebraic generalization of the phenomenon of Borromean rings. In algebraic topology, the Massey product is a cohomology operation of higher order introduced in (Massey 1958), which generalizes the cup product …   Wikipedia

  • Cross product — This article is about the cross product of two vectors in three dimensional Euclidean space. For other uses, see Cross product (disambiguation). In mathematics, the cross product, vector product, or Gibbs vector product is a binary operation on… …   Wikipedia

  • Dot product — Scalar product redirects here. For the abstract scalar product, see Inner product space. For the operation on complex vector spaces, see Hermitian form. For the product of a vector and a scalar, see scalar multiplication. In mathematics, the dot… …   Wikipedia

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