Смотреть что такое "nucleophilic" в других словарях:
nucleophilic — adjective Date: 1933 1. of an atom, ion, or molecule having an affinity for atomic nuclei ; being an electron donor 2. involving a nucleophilic species < a nucleophilic reaction > compare electrophilic • nucleophilically adverb • nucleophilicity… … New Collegiate Dictionary
nucleophilic — 1. SYN: nucleophil (2). 2. A reaction involving a nucleophile. * * * nu·cleo·phil·ic .n(y)ü klē ə fil ik adj 1) of an atom, ion, or molecule having an affinity for atomic nuclei: being an electron donor 2) involving a nucleophilic species <a… … Medical dictionary
nucleophilic — |n(y)üklēə|filik adjective Etymology: nucle + philic : having an affinity for atomic nuclei : donating electrons to atomic nuclei : anionoid contrasted with electrophilic nucleophilic reagents nucleophilic displacement reactions … Useful english dictionary
Nucleophilic acyl substitution — describes the substitution reaction involving nucleophiles and acyl compounds. Acyl compounds are carboxylic acid derivatives including esters, amides and acid halides. Nucleophiles include anionic reagents such as alkoxide compounds and enolates … Wikipedia
Nucleophilic conjugate addition — is a type of organic reaction. Ordinary nucleophilic additions or 1,2 nucleophilic additions deal mostly with additions to carbonyl compounds. Simple alkene compounds do not show 1,2 reactivity due to lack of polarity, unless the alkene is… … Wikipedia
Nucleophilic substitution — In organic and inorganic chemistry, nucleophilic substitution is a fundamental class of reactions in which an electron nucleophile selectively bonds with or attacks the positive or partially positive charge of an atom or a group of atoms called… … Wikipedia
Nucleophilic aromatic substitution — A nucleophilic aromatic substitution is a substitution reaction in organic chemistry in which the nucleophile displaces a good leaving group, such as a halide, on an aromatic ring. There are 6 nucleophilic substitution mechanisms encountered with … Wikipedia
Nucleophilic addition — In organic chemistry, a nucleophilic addition reaction is an addition reaction where in a chemical compound a π bond is removed by the creation of two new covalent bonds by the addition of a nucleophile.[1] Addition reactions are limited to… … Wikipedia
nucleophilic addition — nukleofilinis prisijungimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Reakcija, kurios pirmojoje pakopoje nukleofilas prisijungia prie molekulės dalies, turinčios dalinį teigiamą krūvį. atitikmenys: angl. nucleophilic addition rus. нуклеофильное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nucleophilic catalysis — nukleofilinė katalizė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Katalizė, kurios katalizatorius – Luiso bazė. atitikmenys: angl. nucleophilic catalysis rus. нуклеофильный катализ … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
nucleophilic substitution — nukleofilinio pakeitimo reakcija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pakaitų reakcija, kai nukleofilas pakeičia kitą junginio atomą ar grupę. atitikmenys: angl. nucleophilic substitution rus. нуклеофильное замещение … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas