- nuclear waste
- отходы атомной промышленности;
отходы ядерных силовых установок радиоактивныйnотход
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nuclear waste — noun Radioactive waste • • • Main Entry: ↑nuclear * * * ˌnuclear ˈwaste [nuclear waste] noun uncountable waste material which is ↑ … Useful english dictionary
nuclear waste — n [U] waste material from ↑nuclear reactors, which is ↑radioactive ▪ the problems of nuclear waste disposal … Dictionary of contemporary English
nuclear waste — ► NOUN ▪ radioactive waste material, especially from the use or reprocessing of nuclear fuel … English terms dictionary
nuclear waste — noun uncount dangerous substances that remain after nuclear energy has been produced … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nuclear waste — noun (U) waste material from nuclear reactors, which is radioactive: There are no easy solutions to the problems of nuclear waste disposal … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
nuclear waste — radioaktyviosios atliekos statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Panaudotas branduolinis kuras ir kitos radioaktyviosios medžiagos, kurių tolesnis technologinis naudojimas yra netikslingas arba negalimas. Saugomos 3–5 metus… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada) — Nuclear Waste Management Organization Abbreviation NWMO Formation 2002 Type Non profit Canadian organization Purpose/focus Long term management of Canada s used nuclear fuel Headquarters … Wikipedia
Nuclear Waste News — is a biweekly newsletter covering the controversies surrounding the storage, treatment, transport, and disposal of radioactive waste. Features reporting on DOE and EPA regulation … news on the proposed Yucca Mountain repository, the Uniontown… … Wikipedia
Nuclear Waste Policy Act — During the first 40 years that nuclear waste was being created in the United States, no legislation was enacted to manage its disposal. Nuclear waste, some of which remains dangerously radioactive with a half life of more than one million years,… … Wikipedia
nuclear waste — noun The more or less radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactors and others … Wiktionary
nuclear waste — noun radioactive waste material, for example from the use or reprocessing of nuclear fuel … English new terms dictionary