- nuclear medicine
- ядерная медицина (использование ядерных лучей в медицине) использование ядерных излучений в медицине
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nuclear medicine — n a branch of medicine dealing with the use of radioactive materials in the diagnosis and treatment of disease * * * the use of radionuclide (especially technetium 99m) as tracer to study the structure and function of organs of the body. The… … Medical dictionary
Nuclear medicine — Intervention ICD 10 PCS C ICD 9: 92 … Wikipedia
nuclear medicine — n. the branch of medicine that uses radiation and radioactive materials for diagnosis and therapeutic treatment … English World dictionary
nuclear medicine — diagnostic and therapeutic medical techniques using radionuclides or radioisotopes. [1950 55] * * * Medical specialty using radioactive elements or isotopes for diagnosis and treatment of disease. A radioisotope is introduced into the body… … Universalium
Nuclear medicine physician — Nuclear Medicine Physicians are medical specialists that use tracers, usually radiopharmaceuticals, for diagnosis and therapy. Nuclear medicine procedures are the major clinical applications of molecular imaging and molecular therapy.[1][2][3] In … Wikipedia
Nuclear medicine in Pakistan — Nuclear Medicine is one of the flourishing field in Pakistan. The history of pursuing nuclear medicine goes back to 1956, when the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) was established under the executive order of the Prime Minister of… … Wikipedia
nuclear medicine — medicine that uses radioactive materials to image the body of a patient or for destroying infected cells … English contemporary dictionary
nuclear medicine technologist — branduolinės medicinos technologas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Sveikatos apsaugos sistemos technologas, gydytojo nurodymu atliekantis radiologinius tyrimus, kuriais siekiama išanalizuoti žmogaus kūno organų ir sistemų veikimą turint… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
nuclear medicine — /ˌnjukliə ˈmɛdəsən/ (say .nyoohkleer meduhsuhn) noun a branch of medicine which deals with the use of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy. Also, nuclear tracing …
nuclear medicine — noun the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient s body or to destroy diseased cells • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medical specialty … Useful english dictionary
nuclear medicine — the use of radionuclides (especially technetium 99m) as tracers to study the structure and function of organs of the body. The radionuclide is attached to a compound suitable for the particular test and then injected, inhaled, or ingested. When… … The new mediacal dictionary