nuclear fallout
Смотреть что такое "nuclear fallout" в других словарях:
Nuclear fallout — Fallout redirects here. For other uses, see Fallout (disambiguation). Nuclear weapons History Warfare Arms race Design Testing … Wikipedia
nuclear fallout — branduolinio sprogimo radioaktyviosios nuosėdos statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių atitikmenys: angl. nuclear fallout rus. радиоактивные осадки ядерного взрыва ryšiai: žiūrėk – radioaktyviosios nuosėdos … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
nuclear fallout — particles charged with radio active material that was formed as a result of a nuclear explosion … English contemporary dictionary
Nuclear weapons testing — Nuclear weapons History Warfare Arms race Design Testing Effects Delivery Espionage … Wikipedia
Fallout (series) — Fallout Developers Interplay Entertainment Black Isle Studios Micro Forte Bethesda Game Studios Obsidian Entertainment Masthead Studios … Wikipedia
Nuclear testing — Nuclear weapons tests are experiments carried out to determine the effectiveness, yield and explosive capability of nuclear weapons. Throughout the twentieth century, most nations that have developed nuclear weapons have tested them. Testing… … Wikipedia
Fallout — may refer to: *Nuclear fallout, the residual radiation hazard from a nuclear explosion. * Fallout (video game), a 1997 post apocalyptic computer role playing game released by Interplay Entertainment. ** Fallout series, the sequels and spinoff… … Wikipedia
Fallout Protection — Fallout Protection: What To Know And Do About Nuclear Attack , was an official United States federal government booklet released in December 1961 by the United States Department of Defense and The Office of Civil Defense.The first page of the… … Wikipedia
Fallout (RTÉ drama) — Fallout is a RTÉ two part fictional drama, made in the style of a documentary.It deals with the nuclear fallout following a hypothetical disaster in the Sellafield Nuclear Reprocessing Plant in Cumbria on the British coast of the Irish Sea. The… … Wikipedia
Fallout shelter — A sign pointing to an old fallout shelter in New York City. Nuclear weapons … Wikipedia
Nuclear weapons and the United States — United States Nuclear program start date 21 October 1939 First nuclear weapon test 16 July 1945 … Wikipedia