nuclear electric propulsion

nuclear electric propulsion
ядерный электроракетный двигатель, ЯЭРД

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nuclear electric propulsion" в других словарях:

  • Nuclear marine propulsion — is propulsion of a ship by a nuclear reactor. Naval nuclear propulsion is propulsion that specifically refers to naval warships (see Nuclear navy). Only a very few experimental civil nuclear ships have been built; the elimination of fossil fuel… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear pulse propulsion — An artist s conception of the Project Orion basic spacecraft, powered by nuclear pulse propulsion. Nuclear pulse propulsion (or External Pulsed Plasma Propulsion, as it is termed in one recent NASA document[1]) is a proposed method of spacecraft… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear electric rocket — In a nuclear electric rocket, nuclear thermal energy is changed into electrical energy that is used to power one of the electrical propulsion technologies. Technically the powerplant is nuclear, not the propulsion system, but the terminology is… …   Wikipedia

  • Antimatter catalyzed nuclear pulse propulsion — is a variation of nuclear pulse propulsion based upon the injection of antimatter into a mass of nuclear fuel which normally would not be useful in propulsion. The anti protons used to start the reaction are consumed, so it is a misnomer to refer …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear propulsion — includes a wide variety of propulsion methods that fulfil the promise of the Atomic Age by using some form of nuclear reaction as their primary power source. Contents 1 Surface ships and submarines 2 Cars 3 Aircraft …   Wikipedia

  • Propulsion nucleaire thermique — Propulsion nucléaire thermique La propulsion nucléaire thermique ou nucléo thermique est un mode de propulsion des fusées qui utilise un réacteur nucléaire pour chauffer un fluide propulsif. Celui ci, comme dans le cas d un moteur fusée classique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nuclear fusion — Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Classical dec …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear thermal rocket — Sketch of nuclear thermal rocket …   Wikipedia

  • Electric vehicle — Sustainable energy Renewable energy …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear salt-water rocket — A nuclear salt water rocket (or NSWR) is a proposed type of nuclear thermal rocket designed by Robert Zubrin that would be fueled by water bearing dissolved salts of Plutonium or U235. These would be stored in tanks that would prevent a critical… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear photonic rocket — In a nuclear photonic rocket, a nuclear reactor would generate such high temperatures that the blackbody radiation from the reactor would provide significant thrust. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of power to generate a small amount of… …   Wikipedia

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