nuclear drill
Смотреть что такое "nuclear drill" в других словарях:
Nuclear (альбом) — Nuclear … Википедия
Nuclear transfer — is a form of cloning. The steps involve removing the DNA from an oocyte (unfertilized egg), and injecting the nucleus which contains the DNA to be cloned. In rare instances, the newly constructed cell will divide normally, replicating the new DNA … Wikipedia
Nuclear hazard — Nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) hazards are becoming a growing concern.Dirty bombsOne possible terrorist scenario involves a dirty bomb in which a terrorist uses nuclear materials together with a conventional explosive to disperse the… … Wikipedia
Nuclear weapons and Israel — Israel Nuclear program start date mid to late 1950s[1] First nuclear weapon test Unknown; possible join … Wikipedia
Nogent Nuclear Power Plant — Nuclear Power Plant Nogent … Wikipedia
Able Archer 83 — was a ten day NATO command post exercise starting on November 2, 1983 that spanned Western Europe, centred on the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Headquarters situated at Casteau, north of the Belgian city of Mons. Able Archer… … Wikipedia
Coach Trip (series 7) — Coach Trip ◄ ► Seventh Series (2011) Name Entry Exit … Wikipedia
Pre-conditioning — is a general concept in which an entity is exposed to a form of some stress or stimulus in order to prepare that entity to be more resilient against the stimulus when and if the stimulus is encountered in the future. For example, a human may be… … Wikipedia
Opposition to military action against Iran — Organised opposition to a possible future military attack against Iran by the United States (US) and/or Israel is known to have started during 2005 2006. Beginning in early 2005, journalists, activists and academics such as Seymour Hersh,[1][2]… … Wikipedia
Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
Blowout (well drilling) — A blowout is the uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from an oil well or gas well after pressure control systems have failed.[1] Prior to the advent of pressure control equipment in the 1920s, the uncontrolled release of oil and… … Wikipedia