- nuciform
- ореховидный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nuciform — NUCIFÓRM, Ă, nuciformi, e, adj. Care are forma (şi mărimea) unei nuci (1). ♦ Structură nuciformă = structură a solului care se prezintă sub formă de agregate puţin alungite, cu colţuri şi muchii rotunjite. – Din fr. nuciforme. Trimis de bogdanrsb … Dicționar Român
Nuciform — Nu ci*form, a. [L. nux, nucis, nut + form.] (Bot.) Shaped like a nut; nut shaped. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nuciform — /nooh seuh fawrm , nyooh /, adj. nut shaped. [1855 60; NUCI + FORM] * * * … Universalium
nucifórm — adj. m., pl. nucifórmi; f. sg. nucifórmã, pl. nucifórme … Romanian orthography
nuciform — shaped like a nut Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
nuciform — nu·ci·form … English syllables
nuciform — ˈn(y)üsəˌfȯrm adjective Etymology: French nuciforme, from nuc (from Latin nuc , nux nut) + iforme iform : like a nut in shape * * * /nooh seuh fawrm , nyooh /, adj. nut shaped. [1855 60; NUCI + FORM] … Useful english dictionary
nuci- — a combining form meaning nut, used in the formation of compound words: nuciform. [comb. form repr. L nuci (s. of nux) nut] * * * … Universalium
Shapes and Resemblance — This assortment of 370 adjectives all refer in some way to the form or shape of things. Some are more geometrically descriptive than others, while a number of terms refer to animal forms or shapes of obscure objects. Certain adjectives for shapes … Phrontistery dictionary
nuciferous — a. yielding nuts. ♦ nuciform, a. nut shaped. ♦ nucivorous, a. nut eating … Dictionary of difficult words