Смотреть что такое "novelise" в других словарях:
novelise — (Brit.) v. adapt to a novel; create a novel from a true story and often adding fictional details (also novelize) … English contemporary dictionary
novelise — verb To adapt something to a fictional form, especially to adapt into a novel. Herbert was able to novelise his experiences as a soldier into a compelling action drama … Wiktionary
novelise — /ˈnɒvəlaɪz/ (say novuhluyz) verb (t) (novelised, novelising) to put into the form of a novel. Also, novelize. –novelisation /nɒvəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (say novuhluy zayshuhn), noun …
novelise — verb convert into the form or the style of a novel The author novelized the historical event • Syn: ↑novelize, ↑fictionalize, ↑fictionalise • Derivationally related forms: ↑fictionalisation (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
novelises — novelise (Brit.) v. adapt to a novel; create a novel from a true story and often adding fictional details (also novelize) … English contemporary dictionary
novelising — novelise (Brit.) v. adapt to a novel; create a novel from a true story and often adding fictional details (also novelize) … English contemporary dictionary
Lucky Luke (bande dessinée) — Lucky Luke Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lucky Luke (homonymie). Lucky Luke Série Genre(s) Franc … Wikipédia en Français
Liste des publications de Lucky Luke — Voici la liste complète des histoires de Lucky Luke dans leur ordre de parution : Sommaire 1 Les histoires 2 Dans les albums 2.1 La collection originale 2.1.1 Aux éditions Dupuis … Wikipédia en Français
Terrance Dicks — (born 10 May 1935 in East Ham, Essex (now Greater London)) is an English writer, best known for his work in television and for writing a large number of popular children s books during the 1970s and 80s.After leaving school, Dicks studied English … Wikipedia
List of Doctor Who novelisations — This is a list of Doctor Who novelisations, in order of publication.The first three Doctor Who serials to be novelised were the William Hartnell stories The Daleks as Doctor Who in an exciting adventure with the Daleks by David Whitaker, The Web… … Wikipedia
fictionalise — verb 1. make into fiction The writer fictionalized the lives of his parents in his latest novel • Syn: ↑fictionalize, ↑retell • Derivationally related forms: ↑fictionalization (for: ↑fictionalize), ↑ … Useful english dictionary