notorious possession
Смотреть что такое "notorious possession" в других словарях:
notorious possession — see possession Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. notorious possession … Law dictionary
notorious possession — The possession of real property in a clearly defined and open manner. 25 Am J2d Eject § 43. See open and notorious possession … Ballentine's law dictionary
notorious possession — As a requisite of adverse possession, such possession that is so conspicuous that it is generally known and talked of by the public or the people in the neighborhood. Possession or character of holding in its nature having such elements of… … Black's law dictionary
notorious possession — As a requisite of adverse possession, such possession that is so conspicuous that it is generally known and talked of by the public or the people in the neighborhood. Possession or character of holding in its nature having such elements of… … Black's law dictionary
open and notorious possession — Possession evidenced by such acts and conduct as are sufficient to put a man of ordinary prudence on notice of the fact that the land in question is held by the claimant as his own. 3 Am J2d Adv P § 47. Possession of such openness as that the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
possession — pos·ses·sion /pə ze shən/ n 1: the act, fact, or condition of having control of something: as a: actual possession in this entry b: constructive possession in … Law dictionary
notorious — no·to·ri·ous /nō tōr ē əs/ adj: generally known and talked of adverse possession created by open, continuous, notorious, and adverse use Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. notorious … Law dictionary
possession — Having control over a thing with the intent to have and to exercise such control. Oswald v. Weigel, 219 Kan. 616, 549 P.2d 568, 569. The detention and control, or the manual or ideal custody, of anything which may be the subject of property, for… … Black's law dictionary
Notorious (novel) — Notorious … Wikipedia
Notorious (gang) — For other uses, see Notorious (disambiguation). Notorious MC Founded 2007 In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Founded by Allan Sarkis Years active 2007 present Territory Sydney … Wikipedia
Notorious (2009 film) — Not to be confused with Notorious (1946 film). Notorious Theatrical release poster Directed by George Tillman, Jr … Wikipedia