notice of dishonor

notice of dishonor

1) амер. уведомление о неплатеже коммерческой бумаги, сделанное должнику
2) уведомление о неакцептовании векселя
3) протест (нотариальный акт о неплатеже по векселю в срок или об отказе в его акцептовании)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "notice of dishonor" в других словарях:

  • notice of dishonor — n. Notice that a check or other negotiable instrument has been dishonored. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. notice of dishonor n …   Law dictionary

  • Notice Of Dishonor — A formal notice stating that the bank that a check or draft is presented to will not honor the instrument. A notice of dishonor may be given to the holder or presenter of the instrument. It may also be given to the issuing institution. A notice… …   Investment dictionary

  • notice of dishonor — a notice by the holder to the drawer and each endorser of a negotiable bill or note that has been dishonored with failure to give such notice to any person liable generally discharging the obligation of that person …   Useful english dictionary

  • notice of dishonor — A notice that a bill or note has been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment. An essential of a cause of action of the holder against an indorser or drawer, unless waived or dispensed with, as where, under the circumstances, it cannot be given …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • immediate notice of dishonor — A broad characterization of the requirements of the Negotiable Instruments Law, which provides that unless delay is excused, notice of dishonor must be given within the time fixed by the statute. Legal Discount Corp. v Martin Hardware Co. 199… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • dishonor — dis·hon·or 1 n: refusal on the part of the issuer (as a bank) to pay or accept commercial paper (as a check) when it is presented see also wrongful dishonor dishonor 2 vt: to refuse to pay or accept a bank dishonor ing the checks for insufficient …   Law dictionary

  • waiver of notice of dishonor — An oral or written, express or implied relinquishment by an indorser of a negotiable instrument, either before or after the time for giving notice has arrived, of his right to be notified of the dishonor of the instrument. 11 Am J2d B & N §§ 831… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • dishonor — To refuse to accept or pay a draft or to pay a promissory note when duly presented. An instrument is dishonored when a necessary or optional presentment is duly made and due acceptance or payment is refused, or cannot be obtained within the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • dishonor — To refuse to accept or pay a draft or to pay a promissory note when duly presented. An instrument is dishonored when a necessary or optional presentment is duly made and due acceptance or payment is refused, or cannot be obtained within the… …   Black's law dictionary

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