not sum
Смотреть что такое "not sum" в других словарях:
Sum of squares — is a concept that permeates much of inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. More properly, it is the sum of the squared deviations . Mathematically, it is an unscaled, or unadjusted measure of dispersion (also called variability). When … Wikipedia
Sum 41 — lors du West Palm Beach Warped Tour, en 2010 Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
sum — n Sum, amount, number, aggregate, total, whole, quantity denote a result obtained by putting or taking together all in a given group or mass. Sum denotes the result of simple addition, usually of figures, sometimes of particulars {four is the sum … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sum certain — sum cer·tain / səm sərt ən/ n: an amount that can be determined with certainty from the information presented (as on a negotiable instrument) without resort to outside sources Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. sum… … Law dictionary
Sum-over-paths — Sum over paths, also known as Feynman sum over paths, is an approach to visualizing the movement of particles that is mathematically described by the equations of quantum mechanics. This model competes with the concept of probability waves,… … Wikipedia
Not Invented Here — (NIH) is a term used to describe a persistent sociological, corporate or institutional culture that avoids using or buying already existing products, research or knowledge because of its different origins. It is normally used in a pejorative… … Wikipedia
sum total, the — noun the whole amount of something, especially when it is not very much: She asked me if I was well, and that was the sum total of our conversation … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sum|mer — sum|mer1 «SUHM uhr», noun, adjective, verb. –n. 1. the warmest season of the year; season of the year between spring and autumn: »Shall I compare thee to a summer s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate (Shakespeare). 2. Figurative.… … Useful english dictionary
not to be sneezed at — Not to be despised • • • Main Entry: ↑sneeze * * * not to be sneezed at informal phrase very good, or good enough to consider having Six goals is not to be sneezed at. Thesaurus: very good … Useful english dictionary
not to be sniffed at — Not to be despised • • • Main Entry: ↑sniff * * * not to be sniffed at british informal phrase very good, or good enough to consider having A £50,000 a year salary is not to be sniffed at! Thesaurus: very good … Useful english dictionary
Sum 41 — live in concert at the West Palm Beach Warped Tour 2010 … Wikipedia