not a rap

not a rap
ни гроша (фигурально) ни гроша

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "not a rap" в других словарях:

  • Not Afraid — «Not Afraid» Sencillo de Eminem del álbum Recovery Publicación 29 de abril de 2010 (premier radial) 3 de mayo de 2010 (descarga digital) 11 de mayo de 2010 (U.S. Mainstream + Rhythm/Crossover radio) Formato Sencillo en CD, descarga digital… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Not Afraid — Single par Eminem extrait de l’album Recovery Sortie 29 avril 2010 (voir sorties) Enregistrement 2010 Durée 4:10 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • rap — [[t]ræ̱p[/t]] raps, rapping, rapped 1) N UNCOUNT: oft N n Rap is a type of music in which the words are not sung but are spoken in a rapid, rhythmic way. For some people, rap the music of the hip hop generation is just so much noise... Her… …   English dictionary

  • rap — rap1 [ ræp ] noun 1. ) uncount a way of talking using RHYTHM and RHYME, usually over a strong musical beat: a leading rap artist a ) any type of music using rap, especially styles of HIP HOP => RAPPER 2. ) count a quick hard hit, or the sound… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rap —    Rap music began as an integral part of New York’s burgeoning hip hop culture in the mid 1970s. From the beginning, its sound was quite unique, with the music being created collage style by DJs combining elements from pre existing records,… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Rap-a-Lot Records — Founded 1986 Founder James Prince Distributor(s) Fontana Distribution Genre …   Wikipedia

  • rap — rap1 [rap] vt. rapped, rapping [ME rappen, prob. of echoic orig.] 1. to strike quickly and sharply; tap ☆ 2. Slang to criticize sharply vi. 1. to knock quickly and sharply ☆ 2. to perform rap or a rap ☆ …   English World dictionary

  • RAP —  Pour le projet de logiciel libre, voir Rich AJAX Platform. Rap Origines stylistiques Blues …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Not to care a rap — Rap Rap, n. [Perhaps contr. fr. raparee.] A popular name for any of the tokens that passed current for a half penny in Ireland in the early part of the eighteenth century; any coin of trifling value. [1913 Webster] Many counterfeits passed about… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Not worth a rap — Rap Rap, n. [Perhaps contr. fr. raparee.] A popular name for any of the tokens that passed current for a half penny in Ireland in the early part of the eighteenth century; any coin of trifling value. [1913 Webster] Many counterfeits passed about… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rap das Armas — is a song that has become extremely popular in Brazil, through the movie Tropa de Elite, which illustrates the life of elite soldiers who invade the favelas on a daily basis to fight the drug dealers. The song was produced by MC Cidinho and MC… …   Wikipedia

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