Смотреть что такое "nosh-up" в других словарях:
nosh´er — nosh «nosh», noun, verb. Slang. –n. 1. a meal or snack: »Evening nosh depended on what was going on at special prices (Punch). 2. British. food: »I ve always found Chinese nosh both cheap and filling (Colin Howard). –v.i. to have a meal or snack … Useful english dictionary
nosh — (v.) 1957, from Yiddish nashn nibble, from M.H.G. naschen, from O.H.G. hnascon, nascon to nibble, from P.Gmc. * (g)naskon. Related: Noshed; noshing. Earlier as a noun (1917) meaning a restaurant, short for nosh house … Etymology dictionary
nosh — nosh; nosh·er; … English syllables
nosh — [n] snack bite, bite to eat*, break, goodies*, grub, light meal, midnight snack, pickings, refreshment, tidbit, tiny meal; concepts 457,459 nosh [v] snack eat between meals, munch, nibble, pick at, taste; concept 169 … New thesaurus
nosh — /nosh/, Informal. v.i. 1. to snack or eat between meals. v.t. 2. to snack on: They noshed peanuts and cookies while watching television. n. 3. a snack. [1955 60; < Yiddish nashn; MHG naschen, OHG nascon to nibble, gnaw; c. Dan naske, Sw snaska] * … Universalium
nosh-up — n [singular] BrE informal a big meal … Dictionary of contemporary English
nosh — informal ► NOUN ▪ food. ► VERB ▪ eat enthusiastically or greedily. ORIGIN originally denoting a snack bar: from Yiddish … English terms dictionary
nosh-up — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ a large meal … English terms dictionary
nosh — [näsh] vt., vi. [< Yiddish < Ger naschen, to nibble, taste, akin to nagen: see GNAW] Slang to eat (a snack) n. Slang a snack nosher n … English World dictionary
nosh-up — noun a large satisfying meal • Usage Domain: ↑slang, ↑cant, ↑jargon, ↑lingo, ↑argot, ↑patois, ↑vernacular • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Nosh — Wikipedia does not have an encyclopedia article for Nosh (search results). You may want to read Wiktionary s entry on nosh instead.wiktionary:Special:Search/nosh … Wikipedia