Смотреть что такое "nose-ring" в других словарях:
Nose ring — may refer to: A nose ring in humans is also known as a Nose piercing, including: Nose jewel, mentioned in the Bible Mola (art form), a cultural practice featuring nose rings A sign of a Hindu woman s marital status; see Mangalsutra A sign of a… … Wikipedia
nose-ring — (n.) 1778 as something to lead an animal by, from NOSE (Cf. nose) (n.) + RING (Cf. ring) (n.). As something to ornament a person, from 1819 … Etymology dictionary
nose ring — n. 1. a metal ring passed through the nose of an animal for leading it about 2. a ring of bone or metal worn in the nose as an ornament … English World dictionary
nose-ring — noseˈ ring noun 1. An ornament worn in the septum of the nose or in either of its wings 2. A ring in the septum of the nose for controlling a bull, pig, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑nose … Useful english dictionary
nose ring — nose′ ring n. 1) ahb. cvb a ring inserted in the nose of an animal for leading it about 2) jew a decorative ornament worn in the nose • Etymology: 1780–90 … From formal English to slang
Nose ring (animal) — For nose rings as jewelry, see nose piercing. Show halters and bulldog nose rings on cattle at an agricultural show in the United Kingdom A nose ring is a ring made of metal designed to be installed through the nasal septum of domestic cattle,… … Wikipedia
Nose ring (animals) — A nose ring is the aluminum, stainless steel or copper ring installed through the nasal septum of a domestic bull or sometimes other cattle, or a clip on ring used for controlling other cattle for showing or handling, or the rings used to prevent … Wikipedia
nose ring — 1. a ring inserted in the nose of an animal, to facilitate leading it. 2. a ring worn as an ornament in the nose. [1780 90] * * * ▪ ornament ornament inserted through different parts of the nose for personal adornment and used sometimes to… … Universalium
nose-ring — /ˈnoʊz rɪŋ/ (say nohz ring) noun 1. a ring attached to the nose of an animal, as a bull, in order to control it. 2. a ring worn in the nose as a personal adornment …
nose ring — noun a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control it • Hypernyms: ↑hoop, ↑ring … Useful english dictionary
nose ring — noun a) A ring affixed to the snout of cattle, to make them follow immediately when a chain is attached to the ring. b) A ring worn on a persons nose, for jewelry … Wiktionary