Смотреть что такое "north-ern" в других словарях:
North|ern — «NR thuhrn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. toward the north: »the northern side of a building. 2. coming from the north: »a northern breeze. 3. of or in the north: »He has traveled in northern countries. 4. Astronomy. of or in the northern half of… … Useful english dictionary
north|ern — «NR thuhrn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. toward the north: »the northern side of a building. 2. coming from the north: »a northern breeze. 3. of or in the north: »He has traveled in northern countries. 4. Astronomy. of or in the northern half of… … Useful english dictionary
North|ern|er — «NR thuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the north. North|ern|er «NR thuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the northern part of the United States … Useful english dictionary
north|ern|er — «NR thuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the north. North|ern|er «NR thuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the northern part of the United States … Useful english dictionary
north|ern|most — «NR thuhrn mohst», adjective. farthest north: »A few of the northernmost stars in this constellation (Science News Letter) … Useful english dictionary
north·ern·er — (or Northerner) /ˈnoɚðɚnɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] : a person born, raised, or living in the north; especially : a person born, raised, or living in the northern U.S. compare ↑southerner … Useful english dictionary
north·ern·most — /ˈnoɚðɚnˌmoʊst/ adj : furthest to the north the northernmost tip of the island … Useful english dictionary
ern — ad·a·ma·wa east·ern; cav·ern·ous; east·ern·er; east·ern·ism; east·ern·ize; east·ern·ly; east·ern·most; gov·ern; gov·ern·able; gov·ern·ance; gov·ern·ment; gov·ern·men·tal; gov·ern·men·tal·ism; gov·ern·men·tal·ist; gov·ern·men·tal·iza·tion;… … English syllables
north — be·north; north; north·amp·ton; north·amp·ton·shire; north·east·er; north·east·ern; north·east·ern·er; north·east·ern·most; north·east·ward·ly; north·east·wards; north·er·li·ness; north·er·most; north·ern·er; north·ern·ize; north·ern·ly;… … English syllables
North|east|ern|er — «NRTH EES tuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the northeast. North|east|ern|er «NRTH EES tuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the Northeast … Useful english dictionary
north|east|ern|er — «NRTH EES tuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the northeast. North|east|ern|er «NRTH EES tuhr nuhr», noun. a person born or living in the Northeast … Useful english dictionary