normed ring
Смотреть что такое "normed ring" в других словарях:
Matrix ring — In abstract algebra, a matrix ring is any collection of matrices forming a ring under matrix addition and matrix multiplication. The set of n×n matrices with entries from another ring is a matrix ring, as well as some subsets of infinite matrices … Wikipedia
Topological ring — In mathematics, a topological ring is a ring R which is also a topological space such that both the addition and the multiplication are continuous as maps : R times; R → R ,where R times; R carries the product topology. General comments The group … Wikipedia
Israel Moissejewitsch Gelfand — (russisch Израиль Моисеевич Гельфанд; * 20. Augustjul./ 2. September 1913greg. in Krasni Okny im Bezirk Odessa, Russisches Kaiserreich, heute Ukraine; † 5. Oktober 2009 in New Brunswick, New Jersey) war ein sowjetischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… … Wikipedia
Israel Gelfand — Israel Moissejewitsch Gelfand (russisch Израиль Моисеевич Гельфанд; * 20. Augustjul./ 2. September 1913greg. in Krasni Okny im Bezirk Odessa, Russisches Reich heute Ukraine) ist ein sowjetischer Mathematiker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of algebraic structures — In universal algebra, a branch of pure mathematics, an algebraic structure is a variety or quasivariety. Abstract algebra is primarily the study of algebraic structures and their properties. Some axiomatic formal systems that are neither… … Wikipedia
Outline of algebraic structures — In universal algebra, a branch of pure mathematics, an algebraic structure is a variety or quasivariety. Abstract algebra is primarily the study of algebraic structures and their properties. Some axiomatic formal systems that are neither… … Wikipedia
Vector space — This article is about linear (vector) spaces. For the structure in incidence geometry, see Linear space (geometry). Vector addition and scalar multiplication: a vector v (blue) is added to another vector w (red, upper illustration). Below, w is… … Wikipedia
Algebraic structure — In algebra, a branch of pure mathematics, an algebraic structure consists of one or more sets closed under one or more operations, satisfying some axioms. Abstract algebra is primarily the study of algebraic structures and their properties. The… … Wikipedia
Split-complex number — A portion of the split complex number plane showing subsets with modulus zero (red), one (blue), and minus one (green). In abstract algebra, the split complex numbers (or hyperbolic numbers) are a two dimensional commutative algebra over the real … Wikipedia
Scalar (mathematics) — In linear algebra, real numbers are called scalars and relate to vectors in a vector space through the operation of scalar multiplication, in which a vector can be multiplied by a number to produce another vector.More generally, the scalars… … Wikipedia