normative logic

normative logic
мат. нормативная логика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "normative logic" в других словарях:

  • Normative science — A normative science is a form of inquiry, typically involving a community of inquiry and its accumulated body of provisional knowledge, that seeks to discover good ways of achieving recognized aims, ends, goals, objectives, or purposes. The three …   Wikipedia

  • normative science — noun : a science that tests or evaluates and not merely describes or generalizes facts; specifically : the group comprising logic, ethics, and aesthetics …   Useful english dictionary

  • normative truth — noun : the truth about values that is presumably not determinable simply by the existence or nonexistence of things or by logic alone without reference to something further (as the human will or objective ideals) called also aesthetic truth,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Informal logic — (or, occasionally, non formal logic) is the study of arguments as presented in ordinary language, as contrasted with the presentations of arguments in an artificial, formal, or technical language (see formal logic ). Informal logic emerged in… …   Wikipedia

  • applied logic — Introduction       the study of the practical art of right reasoning. The formalism (formal logic) and theoretical results of pure logic can be clothed with meanings derived from a variety of sources within philosophy as well as from other… …   Universalium

  • Paraconsistent logic — A paraconsistent logic is a logical system that attempts to deal with contradictions in a discriminating way. Alternatively, paraconsistent logic is the subfield of logic that is concerned with studying and developing paraconsistent (or… …   Wikipedia

  • Deontic logic — is the field of logic that is concerned with obligation, permission, and related concepts. Alternatively, a deontic logic is a formal system that attempts to capture the essential logical features of these concepts. Typically, a deontic logic… …   Wikipedia

  • Mill, John Stuart: Logic and metaphysics — J.S.Mill Logic and metaphysics John Skorupski ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTICISM IN MILL’S PHILOSOPHY Mill’s importance as one of the major figures of nineteenth century politics and culture, and the current interest in him as a moral and political… …   History of philosophy

  • Modallogik — Die Modallogik ist derjenige Zweig der Logik, der sich mit den Folgerungen um die Modalbegriffe möglich und notwendig befasst. So lassen sich innerhalb der Modallogik nicht nur Aussagen wie „Es regnet“ oder „Alle Kreise sind rund“ analysieren,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Paul Lorenzen — 1967 Paul Lorenzen[1] (* 24. März 1915 in Kiel; † 1. Oktober 1994 in Göttingen) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Mathematiker und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • НОРМАТИВНАЯ ЛОГИКА — раздел совр. формальной логики, изучающий свойства н о р м и способы их употребления и выражения в рассуждениях. Осн. видами норм являются: 1) правила – правила игры, логики, грамматики, этики и т.п.; 2) предписания – права, гос. законы,… …   Философская энциклопедия

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